
Thursday, February 22, 2007

'Women's movement to submit constitution proposals to Levy'

'Women's movement to submit constitution proposals to Levy'
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Thursday February 22, 2007 [02:00]

THE women’s movement is expected to present its proposal on the Constitution when it meets President Mwanawasa next week. And chief government spokesperson Vernon Mwaanga said the government was willing to look at an alternative road map on the Constitution if presented to it. Reacting to Mwaanga's statement on Tuesday that the government's roadmap on the constitution was final because none of the stakeholders had presented an alternative roadmap for discussion, NGOCC board chairperson Marian Munyinda said NGOCC had consulted widely and would be ready to submit their input and proposal on the constitution roadmap when they meet President Mwanawasa next week.

She expressed surprise at government's position to stick to its proposed constitution roadmap. "Indeed it is with surprise because NGOCC with representatives from member organisations sought a meeting with the President to discuss the same and did so at a 12th January 2007 meeting with the President. And during that meeting, the President and the Minister of Justice reaffirmed their commitment to facilitate a process of dialogue on the enaction of the Republican Constitution for the purpose of getting stakeholder input in the process," she said. Muyinda said NGOCC was further concerned because the meeting that discussed the way forward on the constitution-making process was adjourned by President Mwanawasa to allow for consultation among civil society and discuss the proposal at the next meeting. She reiterated their commitment to facilitate the effective participation of civil society in the constitution-making process by ensuring that the government was availed with their input into the constitution making process. "And this we will present to government on our scheduled meeting with the President," said Muyinda.

And Mwaanga said he was aware of the meeting between the women's movement and President Mwanawasa that was held last month. Mwaanga said the government made it clear that if they had an alternative roadmap that would be quicker, they were willing to study it. "If they say that they will submit an alternative roadmap on the constitution, they are welcome and there is no doubt that we will study it as long as it has the provisions of advancing the new constitution," he said.

He said President Mwanawasa had said that there would be no shortcuts. "You must have heard yesterday (Tuesday), LAZ said they would come up with an alternative roadmap within 10 days. The response is coming now but it is a bit too late but we will study every proposal submitted," said Mwaanga. On Tuesday at a press briefing, Mwaanga said those agitating for the constitution to be enacted had failed to present a shorter, alternative road map on the process.

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