
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Chiluba backs Mugabe

Chiluba backs Mugabe
By George Chellah
Wednesday March 21, 2007 [02:00]

FORMER president Frederick Chiluba yesterday backed President Robert Mugabe over the situation in Zimbabwe. Addressing journalists before departure for South Africa for medical review and treatment, Chiluba said independence was about land. "Why are these disturbances in Zimbabwe? I am not an expert. When I was in London I was trapped by a lady called Clare Short. She asked me to comment on Zimbabwe. She wanted me to condemn," Chiluba said. "But independence is about land. If all of you were squatters, independence will be meaningless."

He said there was an agreement over the Zimbabwe land issue. "Mugabe has been patiently waiting and they have refused. So he has to take the bull by its horns," Chiluba said. Chiluba said there are people that want to have their way using the land issue. "Among us we have stooges, they are using the land issue to ostracise Mugabe. Mugabe has made Zimbabweans to see the meaning of independence," he said.

He condemned any opposition party in Zimbabwe that might be supporting the interests of the West. "Cursed be the day their leader and the party were born," Chiluba said. Asked about the recent reports of brutality in Zimbabwe, Chiluba responded: "CNN have a tendency to distort. They said I was dead because they wanted me dead, so how can I believe them?" And Chiluba said he was much better. "I am getting much better by the day and thank God for that. I am looking very much better as you can see yourself," he said.

Chiluba left for South Africa aboard a South African Airways plane. He was accompanied by his wife Regina, spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba, his personal physician Dr Justin Kangwa and three security personnel.

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