
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Gladys Nyirongo fired

Gladys Nyirongo fired

PRESIDENT Mwanawasa has dismissed Minister of Lands, Gladys Nyirongo, and appointed Deputy Minister of Justice, Bradford Machila to replace her with immediate effect. The President’s special assistant for press and public relations, John Musukuma, announced the termination of Rev. Nyirongo’s appointment in a statement in Lusaka last night. "His Excellency the President has terminated the appointment of Minister of Lands, Reverend Nyirongo and has appointed Bradford Machila as new Minister of Lands. These decisions are with immediate effect," Mr Musukuma said.

Two weeks ago, Ministry of Lands permanent secretary, Mukuka Zimba, was suspended to pave way for administrative investigations concerning alleged misdeeds at the ministry. Commissioner of Lands Frighton Sichone was appointed to act as permanent secretary. Flurries of allegations have in the recent past, come out in the press on alleged land allocation irregularities.

Rev. Nyirongo issued a public statement that she had asked the Anti Corruption Commission to investigate Mr Sichone, who denies any wrongdoing alleged in the press. Meanwhile, in her last official assignment as minister, Rev. Nyirongo addressed a forum on corruption in South Africa where she said transparency and accountability in leadership was key to stamping out corruption.

From Johannesburg, Rosaria Lubumbashi of ZANIS, reports that Rev. Nyirongo was leading a Zambian delegation at the Africa Forum on Corruption where she said for purposes of accountability, Zambian leaders were encouraged to declare their assets and swear an affidavit to the Chief Justice once they take up public office. The former minister said leaders were also encouraged to declare on an annual basis, their assets as a matter of transparency and accountability to society.

She said the establishment of a national integrity system in 2006 in Zambia and the signing of the Southern Africa Community Development (SADC) protocol against corruption were positive steps in the fight against vice.

And speaking earlier, South Africa ’s Minister for Public Service and Administration Fraser Moleketi said the concept of national integrity system was fundamental to the development of an anti-corruption discourse. Ms. Moleketi said values of the national integrity system needed to permeate all institutions of state, the corporate sector and civil society and that measures relating to anti-corruption must be identified within particular institutions.


  1. So what to make of this? It is easy to fire a minister, but that doesn't change entire situation at the ministry of lands.

    Also, she is fired while she is endorsing a 'national integrity system' abroad?

    You are always left wondering how serious Levy Mwanawasa is taking any kind of fight against corruption, when his party seems to be run on the basis of it.

  2. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Just wondering what you'll say when you see Nyirongo's alleged corruption on ZNBC website.

  3. It seems like she was corrupt.

  4. Anonymous1:15 AM

    If all is true, why wait for the post and not daily mail or times?
    total shams is what ild say
