
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm best suited to succeed Levy, says Kavindele

I'm best suited to succeed Levy, says Kavindele
By Speedwell Mupuchi and Bivan Saluseki
Tuesday March 06, 2007 [02:00]

FORMER Republican and MMD vice-president Enoch Kavindele has said he is the best-suited to succeed President Levy Mwanawasa as party leader. And former works and supply minister Ludwig Sondashi has said he is still consulting over his intentions to succeed President Mwanawasa as party president.

In an interview, Kavindele said although the presidency was a thankless job, he was watching the situation in MMD. He said he had been approached by several MMD members countrywide who want him to put forward his name for the party presidency when the time comes. He said until the members approached him, he had not given the idea any serious thought as he was not even aware of President Mwanawasa's announcement during the card renewal exercise over the MMD presidency.

Kavindele said he believed that having served for a long time as minister of science and technology, commerce and industry, health and as Republican vice-president, he was the most suitable for the job. He said he was still committed to the ideals of MMD and was quite happy that continuity in improving the Zambian economy had been sustained under President Mwanawasa. "I think there are very few people in the country who know the MMD better than I do. As you may be aware, I still drive MMD II (his Range Rover with that registration number)," Kavindele said.
"So the job of the president is something I feel that I am eminently qualified to do having served in various Cabinet positions including the vice-presidency of the country and MMD under president Frederick Chiluba and President Mwanawasa."

Kavindele said before that, he was in the central committee of UNIP where he served in many committees. He said as vice-president, he acted as president on many occasions and knew exactly what the job involved. He, however, said the presidency appeared to have clamour but it was a thankless job at the end. "In my first years in Parliament as MP for Chingola, I worked without drawing any emoluments from the National Assembly or the party but no-one remembers that once upon a time there was somebody who gave his time to serve the country without any emoluments," Kavindele said. He said people tended to easily forget one's contributions during their time in office.

He said even Parliament where he was leader of government business and where he coached many of the present ministers on norms of being a member of parliament could not invite him to witness the presentation of the national budget. "This is happening barely six months after leaving Parliament! It's not really a job that one can kill themselves over that 'I have to be president', I have to be president. So for now, I am just watching the situation," Kavindele said. Asked to clearly state whether or not he would take up the challenge as requested, Kavindele said the correct thing for him was to sit down with President Mwanawasa to hear how he considered the way forward. He said an outgoing party president had a bigger role to play in succession matters.

Kavindele advised that succession in MMD should be handled cautiously and perhaps quietly because a serious mistake could weaken it and consequently weaken its chances of continuing in power. He said Zambia tended to develop regional politics but a lot of maturity was needed in handling succession. Kavindele said as at now he was fully satisfied doing things he enjoyed most, among them, reading. "I have just finished reading two interesting books, one entitled Looting Africa - Economics of exploitation - written by Patrick Bond and another Scramble for Africa in the 21st Century and I am spending a lot of time on my farms on the Copperbelt and Lusaka," Kavindele said.

Kavindele also said he was currently busy promoting infrastructure projects that needed his attention as well as looking at mining opportunities in North Western Province. And Ludwig Sondashi said he was still consulting over the issue of MMD presidency. MMD spokesperson Ben Tetamashimba had indicated that Sondashi was among some of the people that had expressed interest in running for MMD presidency. However, Sondashi said government should be left to do its work. "I can't say yes or no. Time is not ripe. I am doing consultations. We have got to do the job," he said. "Let us not alarm them (the government). They are doing the job."

During the card renewal exercise at Mulungushi International Conference Centre last month, President Mwanawasa advised MMD to identify his successor but cautioned the party to exercise care. He said he was not supporting any of the individuals whose names were being mentioned. Those being mentioned were tourism minister Kabinga Pande, MMD chairperson Michael Mabenga, MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba and finance minister Ng'andu Magande. Other sources within MMD have indicated that energy minister Felix Mutati and Captain Austin Chewe were also interested in the MMD presidency but have not come out in the open.


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    What new issues will Mr Kavindele offer to the Zambian people?

  2. And wasn't he boo-ed last time he tried to attend the MMD's conference?

    I agree with you, we need new leadership.

    Four years to go until the next election.
