
Saturday, March 24, 2007

LETTERS: Inconsistencies in UPND

Inconsistencies in UPND
By Concerned former UPND supporter
Saturday March 24, 2007 [02:00]

The inconsistencies in UPND speak volumes of the underlying problems in the party which are yet to come to the fore.

The UPND of today depicts a typical opportunist party which does take a stance on any issue. They are always taking the middle road on any issue, and are neither here nor there.

Going by their actions, we do not know whether the UPND supports the FOI bill or not, we do not whether UPND is part of the opposition or not, we do not know whether UPND is in an alliance or not.

Their pronouncements and actions are so pliable, they take a twist at any time to suit the imperatives of that particular day without necessarily looking at the background or geneology of an issue and this for me is very dangerous politics.

I guess even journalists develop cold feet to report on what is pronounced by UPND members. On this score PF has shown maturity in that on any issue of national concern, they take a stance whether right or wrong, ugly or good and that way it is very easy to gauge and know their policies and philosophy.

In all fairness, it is just a few days ago that HH vehemently rejected the call for UPND to join MMD by his MPs, to an extent of wanting to accuse the Post journalist George Chella of trying to make mileage out of the issue. It is rather sad to hear, a few weeks later, the UPND president say that he will now meet President Mwanawasa if that’s what it means to help millions of Zambians come out of poverty.

This is tantamount to injecting politics in a realm where it is not supposed to be. What kind of inconsistency is this? Is it a coincidence that UPND is spearheading the sponsorship of opposition political parties and at the same time agitating for a meeting with Mwanawasa?

1 comment:

  1. All of these are very valid criticisms. HH seems to have no real skill in politics. The UDA is destroyed. The UPND is destroyed. What is left is the PF.

    I think too much suspicion hangs over the UPND now. A democratic political party cannot be run on the basis of secrecy and backroom deals with it's major rival, without leaving the electorate clueless as to what this party actually represents.

    HH seems to be potentially good presidential material, but he seems to be a very poor politician, like Robert Sichinga.

    On the other hand... if blowing up the opposition was the intended goal in the first place, a major fraud has been perpetrated upon the Zambian people. It would be a betrayal of everyone who has voted UPND and thought they were voting for the opposition.

    This should be investigated. The people have a right to know what their political scene is all about.
