
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

LETTERS - Cleaning up Lusaka town

Cleaning up Lusaka town
By Ferzio C Mampwe
Wednesday March 28, 2007 [02:00]

It is a known fact that Lusaka must be cleaned up by getting rid of street vending and unplanned structural development, especially in the central business district (Town centre).

The council has done well to start up this activity to ensure that our capital city is kept clean and up to acceptable city standards.

With reference to the recent crackdown on street vending over the weekend, it is sad to note that a lot of people lost their sources of livelihood in the makeshift stalls that were destroyed.

It was evident, looking at the pictures on our National TV that property, which is worth millions of kwacha, was destroyed. The people who trade in that area should have been given enough notice to vacate the stalls and better still given alternative places to trade from.

The three-day ultimatum was surely not enough for the people to find alternative trading places. I only hope, with all due honesty, that none of the officers carrying out this operation ended up pocketing the mobile phones and 'other-easy-to-pocket' items for self gain.

As a last note, the City Council should quickly find places where the affected traders will go. If left unchecked, most of them will still go back to the street to sell and others will adopt other coping mechanisms like pick-pocketing and other negative vices.

A lesson for CR
By Lewis Mumba M, Lusaka
Wednesday March 28, 2007 [02:00]

I write to commend the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) for the decision they took to suspend the operations of CR Carriers.
The suspension has been long overdue.

Workers (drivers/conductors/transport officers or whatever titles they offer themselves) are irresponsibly arrogant to the passengers. If the owner of the company is still interested in the public transport business, he can never overlook the status of the buses.

No wonder when you go to Inter City Bus Terminus, CR buses take longer to load than other buses because people are no longer interested in them

I hope their suspension will stay for some time so they can learn good manners that will guarantee the safety of the passengers. Keep it up RTSA!

Well done Levy!
By Lupiya, Australia
Wednesday March 28, 2007 [02:00]

I want to thank His Excellence President Levy Mwanawasa, for appreciating the criticism; his government is relentlessly subjected to, as reported in the Sunday Post of 25th March 2006.

First, what I learn from his admittance that criticism has helped and keeps his government in check and enhance performance is a welcome statement.

It further shows that the man has no hidden agendas or simply that he is running a transparent system.

Definitely a lot needs to be improved but what is impressive is that a humble beginning is in motion.

I would like therefore to appeal to all those who hold public offices to do self-assessment of their standing in the public eyes.

This applies to those in opposition parties, NGOs, the media, the civil service and so on. It is good to criticise others but to be criticised and to accept criticism is not easy.

Many of the so-called civil societies live on borrowed times, they are one-man shows only answerable to themselves and those who give them US dollars.

What’s good for Levy is also good for them. It's not a secret that most of these so-called civil society leaders live first-world lifestyes in a third world country and the management of organisations they run leaves much to be desired .

Well done Levy, we do not want frightened men and women because of the evil deeds they do in darkness which shall be brought to light. May the Almighty God continue to give you good health, much more wisdom and courage to fight the forces of evil without fear or favour.

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