
Monday, March 12, 2007

LETTERS - Mwanawasa and the Constitution

Misplaced priorities
By Francis Liyambo.S
Monday March 12, 2007 [02:00]

Its was indeed a disgraceful moment on Monday evening when I heard his Excellency the President of Zambia at the cathedral of the holy cross publicly degrading the constitution like any other document in a company. The President is castigating the amount of money needed for the constitution as to much in preference to the Zambian people.

Countrymen and women lets be realistic by turning the coin to the other side by asking, isn’t it biased and to much to allocate K1 billion for the house to be built for the President in preference for many Zambian people suffering? As the saying goes “those who stay in glass houses should not through stones”.

A constitution is a benefactor document for the whole nation not personal property like the house to be built for him. This is misplacement of priorities at its highest point.

Why blame satan all the time?
By Gunduza Gadama,
Monday March 12, 2007 [02:00]

Your correspondent of March 8 (Postbag) assumes that I’m frustrated and that is why I “put God’s name to question.” What is frustrating is this anti- inquiry streak by believers, expecting us to behave like sheep, unquestioningly willing to be shepherded into the fantasy world of delusions.

We are told: just turn away from sin and everything will be made clear. However, it is not clear what God’s motive is in choosing to save some road accident victims while choosing to let others die. N.J. does not provide clear answers either, and instead resorts to name -calling.

However, labelling me a satanist does not take my legitimate questions away. Such insults are mere red herring, an easy strategy by believers to divert attention when pushed to the corner. I suggest that if believers cannot stomach such uncomfortable questions, then they should not make dubious claims which they cannot substantiate.

I’m glad that ‘Concerned Christian’ (March 9) agrees that my questions are justified. But his attempt to provide answers suffers from the typical tendency by believers to argue selectively. Typically, satan receives all the blame for all the suffering and oppression while God gets the credit for all promises of peace and bliss.

Moreover, the concept of original sin is mass blackmail; the purpose is to induce feelings of guilt in order to keep us in mental bondage and, therefore, intimidate us from asking questions.
Claims of satan’s rulership of the world are a convenient effort at buck-passing in the face of reality that suggests a lack of love and powerlessness by a supposedly all-loving and all -powerful God.

The question remains. How many wars, tsunamis and road accidents will satisfy God before he acts to ‘bring an end to satan and his wicked world?’

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