
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

LETTERS - ZANACO, Sata and the Constitution

Zanaco's performance
By Arnold Mwanda
Tuesday March 20, 2007 [02:00]

Where has the pride of Zambian football gone? Watching Zanaco with seven key members of the national team, being taken to school by Esperance, was so humiliating and brought a lot of food for thought.

As long as we continue to watch dismal perfomances like that and uninspiring teams like Zanaco representing our country in continental games, we will never stop missing those old golden days of Nkana Red Devils. Fine, Nkana never won the then African Club Championship, but they never subjected us to such embarrassmemt on our own soil.

Zanaco have been so dissapointing in their many attempts at the continental trophy and the bashing at the hands of Esperance, just confirms that the bankers are not in this class.

And can we please stop making noise about poor officiating each time we go out? There was nothing at Sunset to suggest that Zanaco was a very unlucky side beaten in Tunis due to bad officiating. We are tired of Zanaco’s appalling perfomance in continental engagements and if they happen to win this year’s league, can they please on moral grounds let another club represent us? They have been sensational in the local league but it seems they will never be in Africa.

By lindiwe_b
Tuesday March 20, 2007 [02:00]

Michael Sata's column in the Sunday Post dated 18 March 2006 made interesting reading and some forum of pathos. I even wonder if the article was written by the ‘old man’ himself or somebody else. The problem I have always had with Sata is that he always sees mistakes in the governance of this nation when things do not go this way. Sata in his column says that we must learn from our expriences: yes, this is important but the man fails to acknowledge the fact that he even voted against the constitution-making -process because at that time it suited him.

He further talks about hero-worshipping in the ruling party but his senility cannot allow him to remember that since PF was formed, there has never been any election for the top job. It’s only Sata at the helm since inception. Hero-worshipping is prevelent in PF as evidenced by Guy Scott’s statement to the press on Mayor Nakazwe. Scott was qouted as saying that unless Sata had undergone brain surgery, he would not tolerate Nakazwe.

Why couldn’t the party discipline Nakazwe before Sata flew back? It is only Sata who can do it - the rest are bootlickers.
I pity Sata a lot because he still believes in the old type of politics.
Not all Zambians have forgiven you Sata for your past savagery. If anything, you were Kaunda and Chiluba’s bootlicker and this explains why you cannot democratise your party.

Tell the nation, Sata, who hounded his perceived enemies from the MMD during the third term dabate? Are you not the same person who is instigated the beating of the late Siamujaye at the MMD convention in Kabwe?

For your own information, God has been on the side of Zambia, otherwise if you had won the elections, this country would have turned into another Zimbabwe since Mugabe is your mentor.

You have opened wounds and so they will remain open until the 2011 elections are over.

By Concerned citizen
Tuesday March 20, 2007 [02:00]

It is nice to feel that Zambia is not just about Lusaka and the line of rail and that the issue about the new constitution is country-wide. It is ironical that the meeting about the Constitution was held at "Tigone"(meaning : Let us sleep) Motel and yet the people refused to sleep on the Constitution issue.

Yes! Let’s hear from Chitokoloki, Kawambwa, Zambezi, Mwenzo, Gwembe, Shangombo, Chamushalila and everywhere in the country. Tell the incumbent President now that he is killing Zambia by slowing down the process of enacting a new constitution for our country.

The Lundazi people have already added LPM to the list of selfish Presidents which includes KK and FTJ. Can you exculpate yourself Levy? Well done Press Freedom Committee of The Post for giving us views from Lundazi on the all-important issue of the constitution for our country.

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