
Thursday, March 08, 2007

Levy complains about those pulling him down

Levy complains about those pulling him down
By Bivan Saluseki and Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Thursday March 08, 2007 [02:00]

PRESIDENT Mwanawasa has complained about some people trying to pull him and his government down. And Southern Province MMD chairperson Daniel Munkombwe yesterday said professional liars must be ‘amputated’ from the party. Speaking at Livingstone International Airport en route to the Zambezi Sun, President Mwanawasa wondered why Zambians could not emulate American politics.

"Why can't we borrow from our friends in the US? When elections are over, they all rally behind the elected government. They will even protect it," he said. "Here we always want to pull him down (PHD). Why the primary occupation until the next election? This is not the time to campaign."

President Mwanawasa said even when the government had created investments, other people were pulling government down. He said the same people damaged the economy which his government was trying to repair. President Mwanawasa said the government was cleaning up the same damages left by others who were pulling him down.

He said the clean-up would take time. "They shouldn't be behaving as if we are the cause of the problem. They caused the problems. Sometimes we are criticised for acts of God," he said. President Mwanawasa said the same people were criticising him for acts of God such as floods, which were also damaging roads. He said government could not repair roads overnight. President Mwanawasa said government had earlier announced the sourcing of a US $39 million loan for road making equipment and even before the equipment arrived, people were already criticising him. He said he shuddered to think what would have happened to the country if some of the opposition political parties won the elections. "It wouldn't have been chaos, it would have been pandemonium," he said.

President Mwanawasa said despite the criticisms, he was glad to be President of both Zambia and MMD. He said he was glad that he belonged to MMD, which would be in government for some time. President Mwanawasa said he wanted the party to be well organised in Southern Province and to do that, it needed resources. He said he was aware that there had been complaints from district and constituencies that people were not receiving allowances. He said since January, the party had not sent money to the provincial executive committees to give to lower organs.

President Mwanawasa said Copperbelt and Southern provinces had been culprits in terms of not releasing money to lower organs. He said he was still watching other provinces and though he had received bad reports, he had not yet confirmed them. "When I confirm, they will also join the leagues," he said. President Mwanawasa said supporters and friends who were pleased with the way MMD was running government were donating the money MMD was giving out to its organs.

President Mwanawasa said people were spending too much time politicking and pulling him down instead of focusing on development. President Mwanawasa further said MMD had the right to govern the country by virtue of their having been voted into power. He said people should change their culture of talking politics all the time. "We very rarely talk of development. I want the culture to go. I want to stop for a while talking of politics," he said.

And Munkombwe said although there were problems in Livingstone, the mood in the area was rising because members wanted to be united. Munkombwe said the province would not elect people who were terrorising others in MMD. He said MMD wanted to elect clean people and not rumour-mongers and liars. "Some people are professional liars, we must amputate those liars," said Munkombwe. Munkombwe, a veteran politician, made a protocol blunder by proceeding to call upon President Mwanawasa to address the cadres but President Mwanawasa indicated to him that he was supposed to be introduced by provincial minister Joseph Mulyata.

And Mulyata said government had done a lot for the province and called on people in the province to trust the MMD government. After addressing cadres, President Mwanawasa had slightly a longer discussion besides his presidential vehicle with MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga. After the discussion, Mabenga, who had accompanied President Mwanawasa on the presidential jet, remained at the airport and had a meeting with Munkombwe.
The contents of their discussions are not known.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Here we go again. Blah, blah, blah people this and I did that. Why for heavens sake can't we just go ahead and get the job done.

    Blah, blah,blah...

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Pulling Levy down at this time may not be the right thing other than planning for his 2011 exit.

    We should start looking for the successor and what that successor will have to start doing.

    Zambians built on liberation strugle of Dr Kaunda and helped out neighbours.

    Zambians have gone out again building on democratic principles realised under Dr Chiluba to claims their rights and freedoms.

    Zambians are likely to carry the anticorruption drive to hights higher than expected.(No ushalimo akabamo)

    We need a leader who will who has proven bias in economical management displine so that our citizens can have jobs.

    Leaders who helped evade or promugated corruption should never ever be given chance.

    Leaders who are just politicking should equally be ignored because we will make the new Zambia suffer.

    Political clowns should be kept in Zools.

    As Zambians we should persevere and do what is best.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Pulling Levy down at this time may not be the right thing other than planning for his 2011 exit."

    No one is trying to PHD,people are simply airing their grivances if there was a septermber 11 in Zambia am sure we would all unite to support our leader against external forces of evil, in this case whose plundring the national wealth, graves in zambia are as fresh as the ones in Iraq,
    would the MMD cope with the USA style democracy, if MPS are busy debeting a letter they read in the post.
    Zambia shall never be ruled in silence the KK style because that era has gone.
    freedom of speech means exactly what it says.
    I cant vote for Sata but am happy hes brought another style to oppositon politics which of course will be refined in time, it would be sad if the opposition became yes men or worse still pseudo MMD cadres.
    If GW Bush would worry about whose trying to PHD he would have lost it by now because half the universe does not like him.
    if what you are doing is a good Job then why worry, the problem is paranoia, the urban areas are the enemies and they are the ones with the voice, its rough, but who said being a president is easy peazy!

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "If GW Bush would worry about whose trying to PHD he would have lost it by now because half the universe does not like him.
    if what you are doing is a good Job then why worry, the problem is paranoia, the urban areas are the enemies and they are the ones with the voice, its rough, but who said being a president is easy peazy!"

    A big encore for this statement. Some years ago Super KK described the MMD as "frightened little men" I guess the same would apply today except the little men have obviously gotten bigger in size.

  5. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Mr Mwanawasa needs just 30 mins of a lesson in assertiveness.
    changing the Vocabulary from I (ego) to we, would make hes life much easier.
    "I" wanted a chance to write the constitution...
    we will reply to him personally ...
    "I" want the culture to go. "I" want to stop for a while talking of politics,"
    If youre a politician, when you stop talking politics what do you do?
    If a doctor decides to stop doctoring what do they do?
    by the way from the peak the only way is down. theres no post in Zambia after president so indeed its PHD:D
    This applies to Bush and Tony Blair by the way..
    We cant emulate the americans,well all be locked up hence my anomity.
