
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Masebo tables Markets, Bus Stations Bill

Masebo tables Markets, Bus Stations Bill
By Times Reporter

LOCAL Government and Housing Minister Sylvia Masebo yesterday presented to Parliament the Markets and Bus Stations Bill that seeks the establishment and regulation of markets and bus stations in Zambia. Ms Masebo told the House that the Bill also sought, among other objectives, to provide for the establishment of management boards for markets and bus stations and to repeal and replace the Markets Act of 1937.

Her counterpart at Science, Technology and Vocational Training Brian Chituwo also presented to the House the Bio-safety Bill whose objectives include the regulation of research, development, application, import, export, transit, and use of genetically modified products.
“The Bill seeks to regulate the release or placing on the market of any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) whether intended for use as a pharmaceutical, food, feed or processing, or a product of a GMO,” Dr Chituwo said. The Bill would ensure that any activity involving the use of any GMO or its product prevents any socio-economic impact or harm to human and animal health or any damage to the environment, non-GMO crops and biological diversity. Dr Chituwo said the Bill would set and implement standards for the assessment, evaluation and management of any potential risk involving the use of any genetically modified organism or product of a GMO.

“The bill will establish the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) and prescribe its powers and functions, provide for the establishment of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and provide for public participation, information and consultation in the field of bio-safety,” he said.
The Bill also seeks to provide for a mechanism for liability and redress for any harm or damage caused to human and animal health, non-GMO crops, socio-economic conditions, biological diversity of the environment by any GMO or its product. Dr Chituwo said the Bill would also provide for the formation and registration of institutional bio-safety committees.

Speaker Amusaa Mwanamwambwa referred the Markets and Bus Stations and Biosafety bills to committees on local Governance, Housing and Chiefs Affairs and that of education, science and technology respectively. The Speaker asked the two committees to submit their reports to the House on Tuesday March 20, 2007. Mr Mwanamwambwa said members wishing to make any submissions or amendments to the two proposed pieces of legislation should do so within the time-frame provided (Cont on P2).

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