
Monday, March 19, 2007

Mudenda appeals to CBU students to remain calm

Mudenda appeals to CBU students to remain calm
By Bivan Saluseki
Monday March 19, 2007 [02:00]

COPPERBELT University is still not quiet, students’ union president Lee Mudenda has said. And police have released four people detained during the students’ demonstration. Mudenda yesterday appealed to students to remain calm as the issues they had demonstrated for were still being discussed. On Saturday, the students protested against management’s decision to conduct registration only for those making full payment of tuition fees. They also wanted meal allowance increased. The students blocked Jambo Drive in Riverside but police in full riot gear moved in and arrested four people.

Mudenda said two of those arrested were not students. He said one was a former student while the other one had just been visiting another student. Mudenda said the four had been released. During the ensuing battle with police, one of those picked up by police tried to escape but alert police officers thwarted his plans, beating him up before they bundled him in a vehicle. Mudenda condemned the police action. “That was uncalled for. Police should be professional,” he said.

Mudenda said students protested peacefully for 30 minutes when they were by the road.
He said no vehicle had been damaged during the demonstration. Mudenda said students wanted management to rescind its decision to register only those fully sponsored and those sponsored 75 per cent by government. He said the students demonstrated against lack of accommodation at the institution. Mudenda said students were using meal allowances to pay for accommodation outside campus. He said Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) had raised the issue with government two months ago and there had not been any response.

Mudenda said the students were told to wait until the budget was out and that even after that, nothing tangible had been done. He said an average of four students were sharing one room at CBU and that was compromising their studies and health. Mudenda said COBUSU had suggested to the Bursaries Committee that the Committee pays rent for students staying outside the institution but the idea was rejected. Mudenda said the students were prepared for any eventuality.

But CBU deputy registrar Mwala Sheba said management was allowing students to make part payments after receiving letters of commitment from parents and sponsors. Sheba said students had to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that they could not pay before the university could allow them to make part payments. He said it was the policy of the university that students pay in full but due to financial constraints people faced, students were allowed to make part payments.

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