
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Winning elections and appeasing cadres

Winning elections and appeasing cadres
By Jenkins Chisoni
Sunday March 11, 2007 [02:00]

I wish to begin my contribution on the subject of appeasement of party cadres by reminding Kapijimpanga that yesterday it was,"it pays to belong to UNIP" and today she wants to bring back the same policy by simply swopping UNIP with MMD. Winning an election to run a country is not synonimous with getting power to please cadres so that you can remain in power forever. It does not work that way Judith Kapijimpanga. I find no correlation just like, and I would like to quote Levy on that score,"I do not find any correlation between controlling markets and popularising the party".

Don't encourage Levy to abuse the powers vested in him as President of the Republic of Zambia just to please party cadres. The powers vested in him are for all the people of Zambia and are sacrosanct.They are not for simple things like pleasing party cadres. Judith, if you want to please cadres, go and have a lecture from Chilufya Sata who took away your party cadres to his party in the last general elections without promissing them any land as compensation.

Party cadres without instilled loyalty based on good party policies and practices are always floating supporters just like floating voters without allegiances to parties.
Your energies Judith should be expended on promoting good governance for our country.

The geographical limits of Zambia are for all Zambians to enjoy and not only for pleasing MMD party cadres. Turning to Levy, well-done for drawing on your experiences, knowledge and family background to bring some sanity to Judith and the likes of her who seen to have a problem when confronted with appeasement of cadres.

Public announcements
By Concerned citizen
Saturday March 10, 2007 [02:00]

I would like to make an earnest appeal to Mwanawasa to take control of the situation in as far as making public announcements is concerned. The current chaotic situation in making public announcements cannot be allowed to continue. The situation is getting out of hand and irritating some of us. First, we had the deputy minister of home affairs announcing that issuance of permits by the police to hold public rallies had been cancelled. A few hours later, the minister of home affairs nullified the announcement.

Next we had the President himself announcing that K3 trillion had been stolen by some civil servants, only to discover later that the amount was actually K36 billion. And then we had been told that the earlier announcement that Women’s Day which falls on March 8 would be a public holiday had been nullified and that the correct position was that this public holiday shall be effective March 8, 2008 and not this year.

According to media reports, we were told that the day was declared a pulic holiday effective this year following a Cabinet meeting. Does this mean that whoever made the announcement had no mandate?

What is the role of the so-called chief government spokesperson? It seems to me that his role is just to correct wrong pulic annoncements being made by his colleagues in Cabinet and other government officials to save the government from embarrassment.

If this is the case, then the title of chief government spokesperson is misleading and irrelevant. If Mwanawasa does not correct the situation, these costly mistakes he and his government officials are making, will one day throw the country in turmoil.

Don't overburden the President
By Mike Mulabe, Hong Kong
Sunday March 11, 2007 [02:00]

Allow me to express my deepest disappointment over our law enforcement agencies.

I refer to the case concerning the firing of Gladys Nyirongo. Honestly, did it have to take the President to tell these agencies that there was corruption at the lands ministry? It seems to me that these law enforcement agencies deliberately ignore corrupt practices even when they have information.

One would only conclude that these agencies are toothless and only work when the President speaks out. Please help the President by carrying out your duties professionally. No wonder of late he has been complaining that some people are trying hard to frustrate his efforts! This is a clear case.

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