
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Zim govt allows Post to open bureau

Zim govt allows Post to open bureau
By George Chellah
Thursday March 22, 2007 [02:00]

The Zimbabwean government has approved The Post's application to open a bureau in Harare. Post news editor Webster Malido announced the development yesterday. "We are pleased to announce that our application to open an office in Zimbabwe has been approved by the Zimbabwean authorities," Malido said. "The Media and Information Commission of Zimbabwe informed us on Tuesday that our request to open a bureau in Harare had been given a go ahead."

He said with this development, the onus was on The Post to put in place all the necessary requirements to operationalise its Harare office. "We are obviously grateful to the Zimbabwean authorities for giving us an opportunity to do our work in their country," Malido said. "We would like to assure that we will stick to our obligation to observe all that is required for us to do our work there."

Malido said although it has been a long process since the application was made, The Post was grateful that the decision has been made in favour of its application. "With this development, obviously the public is now aware that we will have two offices outside Zambia, one is already operational. We have a presence in Latin America in general and specially in Cuba," Malido said.

"All these efforts we are making are in line with our mission statement, such as continuing to produce the best quality newspaper.

And we will keep striving to continue understanding the needs of our readers by trying to respond to their needs in terms of diversity of news. That's why we are making these initiatives to gather news from as far wide as possible."

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