
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Zimbabwe: Opposition suspected in petrol bombings

Zimbabwe: Opposition suspected in petrol bombings
Posted: Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Petrol bomber arrested
Herald Reporter

A SUSPECTED petrol bomber has been arrested amid reports that Zanu-PF district offices in Mbare and a police camp in Chitungwiza were bombed yesterday. Police chief spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena said Stanley Mutsendi (35) of Unit G, Seke, was arrested at the weekend for allegedly petrol-bombing a house at Unit N Police Camp in Chitungwiza.

He said Mutsendi, a member of one of the opposition's so-called Democratic Resistance Committees – underground groups that have been unleashing orgies of violence to create mayhem and render Zimbabwe ungovernable – was picked up at Makoni Shopping Centre.

"We confirm his arrest in connection with the petrol-bombing of a house in a police camp in Chitungwiza and we are going to charge him with public violence," Asst Comm Bvudzijena said.

He said Mutsendi was also linked to the bombing of a house belonging to a Zanu-PF councillor in Chitungwiza.

"In a period of 12 days, we have had petrol bombs thrown in eight incidents around the country and in different circumstances. These are clearly acts of terrorism. The ZRP is determined to bring to book those who have committed these acts," Asst Comm Bvudzijena said.
Full Article :


Visit: Zimbabwe Watch

1 comment:

  1. Odd you never hear about MDC violence in the western press.

    I would like to know more about these 'Democratic Resistance Committees'.

    Are they leftovers of the old 'third force' movement that caused the violence in Matabeleland in the early eighties in the first place?

    Just wondering.
