
Friday, April 20, 2007

Danny Glover Joins Civil Society Calls To Put World Bank and IMF On Trial Over Economic Policies And Climate Change

Apr 10, 2007
Press Advisory - For Immediate Release - April 10, 2007

On Friday, April 13 at 12pm, actor, producer and activist Danny Glover will be joining civil society organizations to demand that the World Bank be put on trial for the devastation that its economic policies have wreaked on poor communities and for their contribution to global warming.

"The peoples of Africa and the world are demanding an end to economic policies that put profit over and above the needs of people and the environment," said Danny Glover. "We will come together on April 13 to give a clear message to the Bank and the IMF: get out of the business of reshaping economies in a manner that increases inequalities and stop funding projects that destroy people's lives and threaten our ecosystem."

While the World Bank rhetorically acknowledges the harmful impacts that climate change will have on developing countries, activists contend that its investment portfolio has not reflected a shift away from projects that have sizable greenhouse gas emissions. The World Bank and its sister organization, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have released a series of reports in the last few years, which activists see as an admission that the World Bank's policy prescriptions have not led to growth or poverty reduction in Africa.

Danny Glover will be joined by civil society organizations in Europe and the U.S. including: Christian Aid (UK), Eurodad (Belgium), World Development Movement (UK), WEED (Germany), Oil Change International (USA), the 50 Years Is Enough Network (USA), and Bank Information Center (USA).

Contact: Karen Showalter (202) 624 0632
Venue: Hotel Lombardy. 2019 'Eye' St NW (Lunch will be provided for
Time: Friday, April 13, 12-1:30

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