
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kaunda's analysis on Zimbabwe accurate

Kaunda's analysis on Zimbabwe accurate
Posted: Tuesday, April 3, 2007

EDITOR -- I was filled with unbridled joy and emotion when I read about former Zambian president Dr Kenneth Kaunda's support for Zimbabwe (The Herald March 23 2007), which was echoed by other Zambian politicians -- Fredrick Chiluba and the maverick Michael Sata. I was overjoyed because Dr Kaunda is one of Africa's illustrious sons; I was emotional because he reminded me of departed heroes like Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, Chris Hani, Agostinho Neto, Amilcar Cabral, Samora Machel, Steve Biko, Kwame Nkrumah and Patrice Lumumba. They, just like President Mugabe, had one thing in common, the quest for the total emancipation of Africa.

Indeed, Dr Kaunda is an authority on the liberation of Zimbabwe. It was refreshing to hear him speak on the emotive issue of land. The onus is on us Zimbabweans not to surrender our national heritage.

All Zimbabweans must understand that the current socio-economic and political situation did not stem from bad governance, No! It came because we decided to get our land back from the descendants of settlers who had stolen it from our forebears.

It is evident Westerners, behind the onslaught on Zimbabwe, are engaged in a spirited project to re-orient African politics to suit their interests. They are doing this by coming up with puppet political parties in the mould of the MDC that believe Westerners were ordained to lord it over the whole world.

I wonder how a sane Zimbabwean would fail to see that the trend of economic challenges we faced since the start of the land reform programme are a result of systematic external manipulation?

I salute you Dr Kaunda for your accurate analysis of the challenges facing our beloved Zimbabwe.

Chunkie Charira.



Visit: Zimbabwe Watch

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