
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Let ECZ work independently, Phiri advises govt

Let ECZ work independently, Phiri advises govt
By Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday April 01, 2007 [04:00]

GOVERNMENT should leave the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) to do its work independently, Luanshya Patriotic Front (PF) member of parliament Jean Phiri has told Parliament. And Sinazongwe UDA member of parliament Raphael Muyanda told Parliament that there is need for a law that will ensure that families of people eaten by crocodiles are compensated. Contributing to the debate on estimates of expenditure for the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources on Friday, Phiri said the government should not interfere in the operations of the ECZ.

Phiri also said women should be given loans under the Tourism Credit Development Facility for them to engage in tourism businesses. She said the Zambian economy would only grow when women are empowered.

And Muyanda said people that were attacked by crocodiles should be compensated. “People living along the rivers have been eaten by crocodiles but no one has been compensated,” Muyanda said. “I’m appealing to the minister to bring a Bill to this House so that those unfortunate enough who are eaten by crocodiles should be compensated.” He said there were a lot of crocodiles in the rivers, which should be cropped. Muyanda said the crocodiles were last cropped in 1961. He also said politicians should not be segregated from accessing the Tourism Credit Development Facility funds. “Let politicians access tourism fund,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kalulushi PF member of parliament Anson Simama said the ministry had neglected the forestry department. Simama said most foresters in districts did not have transport. However, Simama said if the forestry department was independent it was capable to be self-sustainable. Simama, a forestry expert, said there was need for strict monitoring of the cutting of trees. Simama said trees took 35 years to grow hence the need to curb unnecessary cutting of trees.

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