
Saturday, April 14, 2007

LETTERS - Donor-dependent development

Donor-dependent development
By Frank Chiluba
Saturday April 14, 2007 [04:00]


Most African countries in general, Zambia inclusive, are living and surviving dangerously. The dependance on foreign countries to finance almost every project or programme is sinking in the heads at a fast rate at every leadership levels in the African states. Of particular interest is our situation in Zambia where most of the programmes embarked on by our government have to be funded by the donor countries.

This has become very dangerous because it has become a syndrome. At any leadership levels you may think of, you will hear the leaders either pleading to be funded by the donors or you will hear complaints that donors have not responded well to their cries.

If I may ask, what will happen to developmental programmes that are dependant on donor funds? Should the donors one day decide enough is enough? Will the cutting of funds by the donors imply the stopping of such development programmes?

Is our government thinking and planning development beyond donor funding? What about the many Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) that have been formed in the recent past years? Will they continue existing providing the help to the underprivelleged or is their "compassion love "to serve others, driven by the fact that they themselves are beneficiaries directly of such donor funds?

It is very possible and can happen that one day the donors will stop sending financial assistance to Zambia. But the questions are :
1. Are we ready as a country to foster development in our nation even without donor funding?

2. Are the many NGOs ready and prepared to continue to exist, serving and helping the underprivelleged even if donors were to cut funding today? I am getting scared at how everything now calls for foreign funding. It is a dangerous sydrome which unfortunately has taken root in the minds of most of our leaders at all levels.

Mwaanga's dismissal
By Benjamin Zulu Ndola
Saturday April 14, 2007 [04:00]

Mwaanga’s dismissal has not come as a suprise to the people of Zambia. The man asked for it for not being honest to the Zambians.

Mwaanga is known to be one of the most experienced veteran politicians and yet what he does is contrary to the people’s expectations.

You can have a good beginning and always have a poor finishing if you are not careful. This should serve as a warning to those who want to go where the wind blows. Thank God because we are free at last.

1 comment:

  1. " This has become very dangerous because it has become a syndrome. At any leadership levels you may think of, you will hear the leaders either pleading to be funded by the donors or you will hear complaints that donors have not responded well to their cries. "

    That's because the very same bozos gave away the mines for nothing.

    All that is needed, is someone with the guts to take back the mines.
