
Friday, April 13, 2007


A lesson for VJ
By N N Mwansa
Friday April 13, 2007 [04:00]

The firing of VJ by the President should be a lesson not only to politicians but also to everybody that lies. Suppression of the truth does not take anybody anywhere. What VJ should have done was to face the truth and apologise both to The Post and to the Zambian people once he realised that what he had told Parliament had been exposed as total fabricated lies.

VJ and others like him must also learn that the pen is mightier than the sword. I personally have no sympathy for VJ's dismissal from public office. I am sure he deserves it.

The Post
By Duncan and Mwampu
Friday April 13, 2007 [04:00]

Well done The Post, you really deserve an award. We wish to congratulate you for being a paper that truly digs deeper. We are impressed with the way you have handled the VJ issue.

We also wish to congratulate President Mwanawasa for being brave. I’m sure no one would love to have such a selfish politician.

Though they say humans never really learn from experience, it’s our sincere hope that our politicians learn will a valuable lesson from this issue.

Sad ending for Mwaanga
By MP, Mongu
Friday April 13, 2007 [04:00]

I want to begin by applauding His Execellency President Levy Mwanawasa, for his quick reaction to former information and broadcasting services minister and chief government spokesman comrade Vernon Johnson Mwaanga's misconduct during his ambassadorial visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo recently.

Firing VJ was indeed the honourable and thinkable thing to do on the President's part. Levy should be commended on this hard decision made with a heavy heart - especially considering the fact that VJ was regarded one of the untouchables.

This Levy did after getting his facts right from the DVDs that he watched, after the seasoned liar went to high heights in telling lies.

VJ - what a senior LIAR in the person of a government official we had! VJ should not blame anyone for whatever has befallen him - he has himself and his cheating attitude to blame. No one would celebrate when a fellow has lost employment.

But not in VJ’s case; no one can pity him for his sad extinction, or is it demise. VJ, why did you lie to the nation, and even the one who sent you to DRC (the President)? Chiinzi ca shupa, basa? And why did you go all the way to discuss issues beyond your mandate during your mission in the DRC; things which you were not sent for? You were the chief government spokesperson, yes, but you were not government in yourself - you were sent to speak for the government.

Whoever VJ was pleasing (whether it was Katumbi) no one knows. I know VJ has had enough, but this should serve as a lesson for him that feasting on lies does not help and that a liar will not forever cover-up his lies.
To the one who is to replace VJ, I say stick to the truth.

Water and electricity suppliers
By Raphael Mukuka, Australia
Friday April 13, 2007 [04:00]

The letter which appeared in The Post from a disappointed customer of Lusaka Water and Sewerage made interesting reading and needs serious answers from the company in question.

In Zambia I have come to learn that almost all companies that are vested with responsibility to serve people with water and electricity have taken the communities for a ride for a long time and surprisingly they have gotten away with this bad service for a long time.

Why should people only have running water from 6 pm to 8 am? It’s not normal to have heaps of containers in the house full water in a day like this one. This is a sign that the people employed to run water and electricity companies have failed us and it’s time they left such institutions to people who can run them.

These companies are run by people who have attained high levels of education and it’s embarrassing that they cannot use it to bring civilisation and development to communities.

Utility companies like Zesco and Lusaka Water and Sewerage have no competition and as such they have every room to make huge profits that should be ploughed back in the community to better the standards of living.

Water and sewarage companies in particular usually switch off their water pumps in the day deliberately so that they cut down on running costs. If you are a service provider you will incur costs. It’s up to the company to find better means to cut down on running costs and ensure that the product still reaches the consumer without inconviniencing the customer.

Zambians, let’s rise up and fight for what is right for us. These companies always look forward to your cheque at the end of the month and if you don’t pay, they disconnect the service. These companies treat us like this because we have allowed them to and they know that we have soft hearts and we easily put up with poor services. They know we will complain but only for a while.

Zambia just recently experienced heavy rainfall and as such these companies cannot give the customers unnecessary water and electricity interruptions. How come in neighbouring countries water and electricity flow every day without unnecessary interruption?

These are issues that consumer associations must fight for and endeavour to see to it that customers get the service they pay for. The same passion exerted on the new constitution from various stakeholders should also be channelled to put pressure on water and electricity companies so that we can develop our nation. There’s no room for interruption in the services offered by these two companies and every customer must demand better service.

It’s unfair to keep customers like this for a long time. People’s homes are full of water containers and in many cases those with bathtubs can’t use them because they also use them as water storage tanks. The population has grown and it’s time these companies also expanded their approach to services they are offering. Do we need a foreign investor to run our water and electricity utility companies so that services improve?

Where do they take all the money people pay them for their poor services? This situation can come to an end if we refuse to put up with their nonsense. Ine amakufi yandi yane nuka with such poor services.

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