
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Levy offers Cifire position of deputy sports minister

Levy offers Cifire position of deputy sports minister
By Inonge Noyoo
Thursday April 26, 2007 [04:01]

President Levy Mwanawasa is likely to appoint former health minister Angela Cifire as deputy sport, youth and child development minister. According to sources close to Cifire, President Mwanawasa has written to her stating that if she would be available and ready to accept the offer, he was ready to appoint her as deputy minister in the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child Development.

"I think the President is trying to find out if Angela would be willing to take up this appointment. As you know, it is a demotion because Angela was a full Cabinet minister," the source said.

"From what we hear, it's like the President does not want to announce and then Angela refuses to take up the position because it is a demotion. But in my view, there is no harm in Angela accepting this appointment because we have seen people who have been demoted and later promoted. The former vice-president Mr Lupando Mwape was demoted and later promoted by the same President Mwanawasa.

General Miyanda was also dropped as Republican vice-president by Chiluba and was appointed as education minister; he didn't refuse to accept that lower appointment."

The source said there were rumours that some people from Eastern Province had expressed displeasure at Cifire's dropping.
"I can only urge our people from the east not to be emotional because obviously the President has a good reason for his actions," the source said.

But when reached for comment, Cifire said she had not been communicated to about her being dropped as Cabinet minister or re-appointment to another ministry in a lower capacity.

Cifire, who was in a jovial mood, said she was only aware that she had been dropped and did not know anything about her filing up the now vacant position of deputy minister at the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child Development.

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