
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Lusaka resident sues Zambian Breweries

Lusaka resident sues Zambian Breweries
By Noel Sichalwe
Tuesday April 10, 2007 [04:00]

A LUSAKA resident has sued Zambian Breweries demanding K30 million damages for selling him a bottle of Fanta with sand. Francis Chileshya stated in his affidavits before the Lusaka magistrates court that on January 4, 2005 he bought a bottle of Fanta from one of the shops at inter-city bus terminus.

Chileshya stated that he also gave the drink to his nephew Jacob Mbao who drunk half of the bottle. He noted that after a few minutes, Mbao developed stomach pains and started vomiting.

He stated that later, Mbao had a sore throat, a headache and suffered dizziness. Chileshya stated that after reporting the matter to police, they were given a medical report. He stated that the drink was examined at Lusaka Urban Management Team.

Chileshya contended that the results clearly indicated that the drink was not okay and Mbao was later prescribed some medicine.
He stated that Mbao suffered physical and mental pain as a result of the incident.

He noted that after reporting to Zambian Breweries what happened, they admitted the claim and gave him a crate of drinks as a replacement for the one which was not okay.

"It is in the foregoing reasons that the plaintiff claims damages for the mental anguish suffered by the minor. The physical pain suffered and inconvenience caused to the entire family," argued Chileshya.

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