
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sichilima denies ever making bombing allegations against Sata

Sichilima denies ever making bombing allegations against Sata
By Laura Mushaukwa
Thursday April 19, 2007 [04:00]

ENERGY deputy minister Gaston Sichilima yesterday denied having told the electorate in Mbala Central Constituency that Patriotic Front president Michael Sata bombed some bridges in the area.

Opening his defence in a case where his election as member of parliament for Mbala Central is being challenged, Sichilima denied all the allegations leveled against him.

He explained that according to his campaign strategy, it was not proper to talk about his enemy or opponent.

"My strategy is you do not go and mention your enemy in the game such as this one because you can be campaigning for your enemy," said Sichilima. "You just talk about yourself and policies of the government."

Sichilima testified that he did not distribute blankets, mealie meal and secondhand clothes to would-be voters in order to entice them to vote for him.

Patriotic Front parliamentary candidate for the area Evans Kaluba Musenda challenged Sichilima's election on grounds that his election agents engaged in corrupt practices.

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