
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Western propaganda now absurd

Western propaganda now absurd
By John Mhaka

THE upsurge on the media demonisation campaign against Zimbabwe has reached laughable proportions with some of the articles being published by the willing dogs of the regime change agenda bordering on lunacy.

Could the nature of some of the blatant Western propaganda and the volume be confirmation of recent revelations by one David Samuriwo that a special fund has been set-aside by the British Embassy to intensify the media offensive on the country.

Whereas most online publications could get away with their falsehoods, the same cannot be expected of regional newspapers such as Trevor Ncube’s Mail and Guardian, which has chosen to throw away all the ethics of print journalism in pursuit of the long-failed illegal regime change agenda in Zimbabwe.

It’s April 5 to 12 edition contained one of the most fictitious and blatant pies of naked propaganda that will take only a mad man to believe.

The shoddy job done on what was supposed to be revelations by an alleged "death squad" deserter, one John Gweru, is the sort of stuff that can only find space in senseless propaganda mouth pieces that have no ounce of shame left.

That it is the same publisher who just recently went to town in fighting for his right to citizenship to a country that he demonises with such passion is beyond anyone’s reasoning.

Gweru’s allegations that were put on paper by one John Grobbler — a known racist and apartheid media operator — not only lack detail and authenticity, but were so poorly crafted that a simple check with Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Youth would have revealed that there was no John Gweru among the numerous patriotic graduates and recruits of the National Youth Service.

Whereas it has become common that Zimbabwe’s detractors have no evidence of all the accusations they heap on the country daily, the Central Intelligence Organisation has become an easy scapegoat of tenuous claims as evidenced by Gweru’s unco-ordinated tale.

Honestly, a professional organisation like the CIO, renowned for its efficiency and often touted by the same media haters as the best on the continent, cannot have operatives like the named Joshua Sibanda a.k.a Phillip Chitiyo whom the story alleges was tracking Gweru in Namibia.

How can an ordinary CIO operative, said to be the "head of a directorate of counter intelligence," — and why should he — always wear his CIO identity card all the time forgetting that he is a secret service officer?

Moreover, why would a "head of a directorate" be busy tracking Gweru in Namibia with a camera when common sense should tell us lower level officers could do that job?

Surely, these types of falsehoods and lies cannot be tolerated in this day and age.

The obvious generalisation of what would have been monumental disclosures in the article is further testimony to the level of incompetence or the difficult task that the desk propagandist had to undertake in his bid to please his Western masters.

For example where Gweru claims that during their training services they were shown secret jails in which people who had defied Mugabe were being held.

Is it not logical that the names of the jails or their location would have at least added weight to the blatant farce of a story?

Or where he claims that he was taken to a CIO headquarters’ "top floor where they were shown six people in leg chains and manacles and covered in blood."

Hey! Are there no limits to this vain charade?

Would it not have been useful to at least lie that the top floor is on this or that floor, or are we to believe he was blindfolded when he went there?

The foolish Gweru, if indeed he exists, alleges that he was told that there was no way out once one joins the National Youth Service.

This crazy and nonsensical assertion can only be believed by sell-outs of the calibre of Trevor Ncube and company who have no idea of what the national Youth Service is all about?

Are they not the same media thugs who always claim that places at teacher training colleges, nursing schools, prison services, police force, the army and other training institutions are being monopolised by graduates of the National Youth Service? Isn’t it now evident that these people chose the "truth" that is expedient?

The propaganda that the Western media and its regional and local appendages have been perpetrating on Zimbabwe of late confirms Herald columnist, Samuriwo’s detailed expose on a British Embassy purse for a media demonisation campaign against Zimbabwe.

Add this to the recently published incoherent memorandum of an alleged "Mugabe’s hit list" that was published on one opposition website in which a number of known anti-Government activists are allegedly being targeted for elimination.

The list was inanely embellished by the inclusion of some Zanu-PF officials in order to give it some semblance of "balance".

Along with fabricated reports that President Mugabe spent £250 000 on the Malaysian Grand Prix, one detects a determined last gasp campaign to revive the fortunes of the failed illegal regime change agenda in Zimbabwe, that was supposed to be executed by the fractious MDC.

What Zimbabweans need to be warned against is that the British and the Americans, in their media campaign, will stop at nothing in order to effect regime change in Zimbabwe.

Their aim is to tarnish the image of the country and cloud the build up to the elections in the same manner they did the last elections in order to give ammunition to the opposition to question the legitimacy of the elections.

But all this will fail because Sadc and other parts of the world are fully aware of the West’s game on Zimbabwe.

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