
Thursday, April 12, 2007

ZNBC, show VJ's video

ZNBC, show VJ's video
By Estro Mwape Meleki, Kabwe
Thursday April 12, 2007 [04:01]

I would like to comment on the issue of VJ Mwaanga telling lies to the nation. It’s really disappointing to note that a man with such a position in government can tell lies. I see no reason why mwaanga should continue denying what he said in the presence of reporters and other people, and accussing the post of exaggerating things in connection to what he said on the issue of Katumbi.

As a nation what we have seen in the paper clearly stands as evidence of what he said. if he still can’t admit, am appealing to the post to air the video on ZNBC so that every zambian should watch and know what he said in lubumbashi over the matter of katumbi.

As a christian nation, we need leaders who are trustworthy and who tell the truth, not liars. I strongly agree with kaliki’s article in the post dated 10th april 2007, where he said ,VJ had disgraced President mwanawasa and the government.

He has further undermined the remaining confidence the public has in the adminstraton. so please show us the video so that we know what is really happenig, because we are fed up of liars and we are embarrassed as a nation.

live long The post and continue digging deeper.

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