
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chavez warns protestors

Chavez warns protestors
By Larry Moonze in Cuba
Thursday May 31, 2007 [04:00]

THE state will not tolerate under its nose instigations to violate the law, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has warned protesters. In his first message since the Venezuelan government refused to renew the licence for Radio Caracas Television From (RCTV) on Sunday, now replaced by public broadcaster Venezuelan Televisora Social (TVES), President Chavez said authorities would not condone activities aimed at generating chaos.

"The state will not tolerate right under its nose any instigation for people to violate the law, ignore authorities and kill the president in order to generate chaos," President Chavez warned. "We are obliged to act, and we call on everyone to consider their actions and assume responsibility for them "Sound the alarm in the hills, neighbourhoods and towns to defend our revolution from this new fascist attack."

President Chavez, according to Prensa-Latina in Caracas, also accused privately run Globovision TV of promoting a campaign to manipulate the population. On Monday, Venezuela has accused CNN of lying and spreading political propaganda against it.

The Bolivarian government equally instituted investigations against a Globovision for possible charge of inciting the assassination of President Hugo Chavez. Communication and information minister William Lara, when he presented a demand to investigate Globovision at the Attorney General's Office, said CNN had gone to the extreme of violating the code of ethics of any social communicator in the world, accusing the US medium of dealing in lies. "CNN tells bare-faced lies because it assumes a political stand against Venezuela," Lara said.

Lara said likewise, Globovision implicitly called for President Chavez's assassination by airing footage of the 1981 assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II as some people protested the decision not to renew RCTV licence. Lara said several consulted specialists agreed that this was an act of incitement to assassination, and stressed, "this is what we are asking the attorney general to investigate."

And President Chavez said Globovision recently incited an assassination and continued manipulating the audience's feelings, "which is a characteristic of fascism." He warned Globovision to consider carefully how far it wanted to go with its behaviour.President Chavez urged Venezuelans to be alert to defend the revolution "from the new fascist charge."

Last week Friday, President Chavez warned the Venezuelan oligarchy if it dared to attack again that it would get the strongest response from the government, the Armed Forces and the people. In his speech at an air base to present the Simon Bolivar air group of eight Russian-made Sukhoi-30 planes, President Chavez said the concession for RCTV would not be renewed because the station was the main promoter of a fierce anti-government campaign from the opposition.

He said the economic group controlling the channel had maintained a real tyranny, to the point of attacking public peace through terrorism, coup and economic sabotage.
"I absolutely believe in the armed forces and all its members, and the people believe in them, love them and respect them too, because they have joined the people to defend the country's sovereignty, government, Revolution and democratic institutions," said President Chavez.

Opposition organised protests are ongoing in Caracas following the closure of RCTV. However, the station is free to operate via cable.

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