
Friday, May 25, 2007

Chiluba collapses

Chiluba collapses
By Staff reporter
Friday May 25, 2007 [04:00]

FORMER president Frederick Chiluba’s spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba disclosed in a statement that his boss had collapsed in his bedroom yesterday morning. University Teaching Hospital acting managing director Dr Peter Mwaba has confirmed admitting Chiluba around 16:30 yesterday.

Dr Mwaba said doctors were still evaluating Chiluba but that he could not discuss Chiluba’s health problem at the moment.

Mwamba stated that Chiluba’s wife Regina immediately called his personal physician Dr Justine Kangwa. "Dr Kangwa observed Dr Chiluba and immediately recommended that Dr Chiluba should be observed in a hospital environment to help ascertain the cause of this serious medical condition," Mwamba stated. "Dr Chiluba has since been admitted to the University Teaching Hospital for observation and treatment."

Mwamba further stated that Chiluba was due to appear before the UTH adhoc committee on Monday to comply with the court order.


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    If you read the original Post headline the word 'collapse' is in inverted commas. My understanding of the use of inverted commas in this matter is that the Post considers his collapse as suspicious and questionable. I bet if he dies, they will refer to his 'death' in the same manner, as if he is feigning it. Come on Post, the guy may have done things you don't like, but this is taking things a bit too far.

  2. I think there have to be other means of getting at least some of his stolen money back, other than putting media pressure on Frederick Chiluba to fess up, so to speak.

    He must have tens of business associates, confidants, disgruntled former employees, etc. that can clarify his business dealing in a way that can be verified.
