
Friday, May 18, 2007

Chiluba is a disgrace - HH

Chiluba is a disgrace - HH
By Nomusa Michelo
Friday May 18, 2007 [04:00]

UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema yesterday described Chiluba's thefts as disgraceful and horrifying. Commenting on the London High court judgment in which Chiluba was found liable to pay the Republic of Zambia US $41 million, Hichilema said it was sad that the person who was chosen to be at the top looted the Treasury.

“It is horrifying to see the extent of thieving by those tasked with the responsibility to look after the affairs of the nation. It must sound warning bells to the people that you just don’t chose anybody to be your leader, just because he is from your region and speaks good English,” he said. “You have to chose a leader who can look after your interests. But what we have seen is the person at the top is the one in the forefront of looting the Treasury. It is disgraceful.”

Hichilema said it was shameful that Chiluba even had the audacity to say he did nothing wrong.

“It is not correct for people to allow the Treasury to be ransacked. And he even had the audacity to say there is nothing wrong,” he said.

And Hichilema likened the Chiluba term of office as president to having a monkey in charge of a maize field.

“How can you make monkey a captain of a maize field? You know that a monkey eats maize, so what do you expect.”

Hichilema also said the judgment should serve as a lesson to the Zambian people on the kind of people they chose to lead them.

“What lesson can we learn from this? We can learn how we choose our leaders. We have to check their background,” Hichilema said.

“The politicians hanging around to become presidents were eating from the same pot as Chiluba and today are distancing themselves. What they want is to deceive the people.”
Hichilema commended The Post for the work it was doing in exposing thieving by people entrusted to high office.

And Hichilema, who was on a tour of Kazungula district said the high levels of poverty in the country were disturbingly high.

Hichilema also called on the government to find a solution to Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) in the Southern and Western provinces as it would have serious economic implications if left unchecked.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    It must sound warning bells to the people that you just don’t chose anybody to be your leader, just because he is from your region and speaks good English,” he said.(Verbatim quote from HH)

    Other than the Bemba - speaking people, who else comes from the "same region" as Chiluba? I get the impression HH just can't resist taking swipes at people from Chiluba's region? That doesn't appear like a very accommodating and inclusive approach to politics? Why doesn't HH just focus on Chiluba's mischief without necessarily subtly and implicitly accusing his tribesmen and kinsmen of being complicity in his sins?
