
Thursday, May 03, 2007


I think it is right if I continue to share selected articles from The Post in a manner that is not in violation of Fair Use.

I will continue to share selected articles, the knowledge of which is in the public good, and will be mainly limited to:

- The impact on Zambia of international events, mainly restrictions or scandals involving the IMF, World Bank, mining contracts, production agreements.

- Changes in the political and economic infrastructure of the country, mainly the introduction of a new constitution, important legislation regarding the SME and agricultural sector.

- Economic progress or regress.

I realize I gave my word not to post The Post content, but I am now wondering who I gave my word to, considering a comment on this website cannot be seen as an official request. Nor was a reply address to The Post included.

If you want to know, please e-mail me at


  1. Agreed.

    People share information all the time.

    I get content from the economist magazine (fee paying) and I circulate it to interested colleagues. I have never been sued by them. Same with the Wall Street Journal. Same with the Financial times.

    There are no grounds.

    I say proceed and if they speak to google, then the worst that can happen is google decides to shut down the blog. Nothing else. There's no financial compensation or anything else.

    Just google processing their request would take eons.

    Keep posting them. And let us keep the discussion goings. And in the interest of fairness include the "daily" & "times" :)


  2. Cho,

    I'm not sweating any kind of lawsuit for damages. I am not even sure that the objection came from The Post itself.

    I'll keep the posts limited to the more crucial areas of debate.

    And I love the fact that the marketeers are suing Sylvia Masebo for damages. :)

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Don't be intimidated by the Gestapo tactics of the Post. Is it not the same Post that makes so much noise about how imperative it is to enact the Freedom of Information Bill? All you are doing Mr. K is practicing what the Post only preaches!! Why is the Post so contradictory and hypocritical? Keep on with your good work!
