
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pelete calls on FRA to identify additional paypoints for farmers

Pelete calls on FRA to identify additional paypoints for farmers
By Florence Bupe
Wednesday May 16, 2007 [04:00]

KALOMO district commissioner Oliver Pelete has called on the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to identify additional paypoints around the country for farmers to receive money for maize supplies to prevent delayed payments. In an interview, Pelete said it was imperative for FRA to ensure that there were adequate paypoints to prevent congestion at the few banks available in rural districts.

"FRA should come up with a list of institutions other than banks to help pay out farmers during this year's maize marketing season to ease farmers' access to their money," he said.

Last year, there were complaints from farmers around the country over delayed payments, a situation they complained adversely affected their ability to procure farming inputs in time.

Pelete, however, welcomed the K38,000 floor price for maize and said farmers would be able to realise reasonable profits from their sales.

He also expressed pleasure at FRA's decision to increase the number of depots in the district. He urged small-scale farmers in the country to desist from selling maize to unscrupulous buyers and warned that they may be swindled of their produce.

And Pelete said Kalomo district had already started receiving inputs from the 2007/2008 farming season. "Kalomo district started receiving inputs for the next farming season. We have so far received 8,000 by 50 kilogramme bags of top dressing fertiliser. We are hopeful that the timely delivery of farming inputs will revamp farming activities in the country," said Pelete.

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