
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sata advices Petauke residents over voting

Sata advices Petauke residents over voting
By Chibaula Silwamba in Kapoche
Sunday May 13, 2007 [04:00]

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Michael Sata on Friday advised the electorate in Petauke's Kapoche Constituency to carefully choose between his party and MMD. Addressing a rally at Nyanje grounds to drum up support for Mark Tembo the PF candidate in the forthcoming by-elections set for June 5, Sata urged the people to liberate themselves by voting for the right candidate.

He told the people that he left the MMD in 2001 because he realised that there were problems but people did not believe him. "I was national secretary of the MMD but I left.

Ansenga akuti chisilu chinaona nkhondo, chisilu chichoka musanga ati muli nkhondo, ati iyai. Ine ninachokamo mu MMD ati muli mabvuto, ninaona kuti muli wenye, ninaona kuti bamene babwela nibamambala, (a mad man saw war in the bush but people did not believe him.

I left the MMD because I saw that there are problems, I saw that there are liars, I saw that the people coming to MMD are crooks)," Sata told the cheering cloud. "When leaving the MMD I told them that (President Levy) Mwanawasa can't keep people and the country because he was not cultured.

"Mr. Solomon Mbuzi here was a minister in Chipata, I left him in MMD, now he is following me behind, he did not believe when I left him in the MMD. Now that is when they believe that a mad man saw the war." Sata told the crowd that he was not asking for votes but was asking them to work with PF in order to ensure development.

"Some people think like a lizard: it climbs and falls but it climbs again and falls. This country where we have reached now we should look at the future of these children," Sata said. "Have you seen the country from Lanai to Monte, it's just basic schools. When we were going to school there were no basic schools but secondary schools but now children just go to basic schools. Children are supposed to go to secondary schools not basic schools."

Sata said some people once elected relocate to Lusaka. Sata introduced Tembo at the meeting.

"In Lusaka, Copperbelt, Luapula and Northern provinces they rejected Levy. If they rejected him in Lusaka and State House where he lives even if you accept him in Petauke what is he going to do for you? He will not build State House in Kapoche," Sata said.

"You married women if your husband has not slapped you, you will not respect him. And the problem here in Eastern Province is that you have not slapped Mwanawasa. As long as you don't slap Mwanawasa there won't be development here. Even if Rupiah Banda is Vice-President he is used like a reed mat which they step on when entering the house. You have a vice-president and ministers from Eastern Province but how can you have bad roads?"

He further advised the voters not to sale their voters' cards because that was their only gun to fight the problems in the country. "What has the government done here? You have national registration cards but they are rotten without you getting jobs. Government is supposed to create jobs for you," Sata said. "Young men are even afraid to marry because they don't know what they will do to feed their wives."

And a local resident advised Sata not to adopt people rejected by MMD to stand as candidates for PF.

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