
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Triangle, Hippo Valley to assist new farmers

Triangle, Hippo Valley to assist new farmers
New Ziana

Hippo Valley Estates and Triangle Limited have formed a joint venture company, Triangle Sugar Corporation, as the sugar companies strive to increase cane production among new farmers. Hippo Valley chief executive Mr Sydney Mtsambiwa said the special vehicle was specially formed to provide extension services.

"We have set up a company called Triangle Sugar Corporation to provide extension services to the more than 650 small-scale farmers involved in cane production," he said.

He said the small-scale farmers were providing at least 30 percent of the throughput and there was need for them to be assisted to adopt best practices to achieve optimal productivity.

"The need to train the farmers also arose out of the realisation that production had declined in the sector, with sources saying a hectare that previously produced at least 100 tonnes of cane was now producing an average of 50 000 to 60 000 tonnes," Mr Mtsambiwa said.

Overall, cane production slumped last year from the anticipated 490 000 tonnes to 446 000 tonnes.

"We need to ensure that our farmers are adequately trained," he said, adding the turnaround to achieve maximum output was expected in a minimum of three years.

While lack of expertise remained a constraint, the farmers were also facing input shortages, which also curtailed production.

The industry was experiencing a shortage of critical inputs such as fertilizers and fuel, forcing it to import the commodities, he said.

The sector has since called for the classification of sugar as a strategic crop, a move that will unlock funding from the State.

Despite its strategic importance, sugar is among the crops that are not enjoying direct support from the Government like other crops such as tobacco and maize.

The country has been facing sugar shortages in the last few years with the industry saying that various challenges being faced are impacting on production. — New Ziana.

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