
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Botswana to embark on rural electrification

Botswana to embark on rural electrification

THE Botswana Power Corporation will embark on an ambitious project early next year that will provide lighting for most rural households by means of solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity. The programme is funded for five years by the Botswana government and United Nations Development Programme’s Global Environment Facility and will be integrated into the ongoing Rural Electrification Scheme. In an interview recently, UNDP chief technical advisor Dr Andrew Mears said the solar PV is meant to provide rural households that are not connected to the main electricity grid access to affordable and clean fuels.

"It is very expensive to connect a grid to villages in some remote areas and to make it worse you find less than 20 percent of households can afford to connect the electricity. This programme will give an alternative to the remaining 80 percent and also to villages that do not have a grid at all," he revealed.

Dr Mears also said that they are planning to sub-contract local entrepreneurs to provide the solar PV products. "We are still working on the business model but the idea is to deliver the programme through local entrepreneurs who want to venture into the energy business," said the UNDP spokesperson.

The solar PV will have products suitable for low electricity consumption. Dr Mears said other products would include a special type of battery that will be solar powered.

"In rural areas people use electricity for lighting, a small radio or for a television set and small fridge. The consumption is very low, which means the grid is sometimes under-utilised. The solar PV will have a range of products that will match the circumstances of each household and give them affordable options as well," he continued.

Dr Mears said BPC would also look into introducing products like stoves that use coal because the use of wood has contributed negatively to the environment. The use of Green Gel, which uses ethanol fuel, he said, will also be another alternative towards providing a cleaner and affordable energy package.

"The use of firewood is the main contributor to deforestation and it also affects people because the smoke contributes to complications of pneumonia. Many Aids deaths are related to pneumonia. It can also cause respiratory complications in children." — Mmegi.

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