
Friday, June 22, 2007

(HERALD) Maximise production: Mujuru

Maximise production: Mujuru
Business Reporter

THERE is need for maximum utilisation of capacity in the productive sector to reduce inflation, generate foreign currency through exports and remove price distortions, Vice President Joice Mujuru has said. Speaking at the sixth anniversary celebrations of diversified company Harambe Holdings in Harare on Wednesday, Vice President Mujuru said in 2006 Government launched the National Economic Development Priority Programme as a tool to drive the implementation of "quick-win" strategies to re-engineer the economy.

"Recently a workshop was held to review and refocus NEDPP. It is worth noting that the review comes at a time when the three social partners have committed themselves to a Social Contract. Furthermore, the signing of three protocols under the auspices of the Social Contract is indeed a positive development that helps to set the tone for the country’s economic reform," she said.

The protocols are Stabilisation of Incomes and Pricing, Restoration of Production Viability and Mobilisation, Pricing and Management of Foreign Currency.

"As can be appreciated, the three protocols are aligned to the objectives of NEDPP. The need for a shared vision cannot be overemphasised if these initiatives are to succeed," she said.

The Vice President said Government had set up the National Incomes and Pricing Commission with responsibility for developing pricing models for goods and services with a view to balancing the viability of producers and incomes and welfare needs of the people.

"However, I would like to believe that with the calibre, experience and expertise of the team constituting the commission, normalcy should be restored."

On NEDPP, Vice President Mujuru said she was happy to note that the response from industry was encouraging and a number of companies had, through the Public/Private Sector Partnership taken up the challenge and were promoting agro-based projects in line with the agrarian reform programme.

She said some of the existing initiatives within the framework included the promotion of small grains and livestock such as chickens, piggery, goats, the restocking of the country’s dairy and beef herd and horticulture.

The initiatives were aimed at empowering families and generating foreign currency through exports.

Vice President Mujuru said at the NEDPP review workshop, the major determinant of the time the economy would take to recover was the level and intensity with which all players worked together with unity of purpose, transparency and commitment to implement agreed plans and strategies.

She said Harambe Holdings was a turnaround company that rescued ailing companies and operated as a venture capital. Established in 2001, it now boasted five groups of companies with 30 operating units, consisting of bakeries, plastics, beverages, tiles and trading.

Vice President Mujuru said the efforts by Harambe Holdings, if replicated, would go a long way in contributing towards the country’s economic turnaround initiatives.

In September last year, the company launched Harambe Bursary Fund to assist the under-privileged primary school children, selected from all 10 provinces, to proceed to secondary education.

"Indeed, this contribution is invaluable to under-privileged families. The intervention is timely as the change-over from primary to secondary school calls for a huge outlay of cash for uniforms, school fees, books and other accessories. The bursary acts as bridging finance without which most of these children in the target group would fail to proceed to secondary school," said Vice President Mujuru.

The company is also sponsoring 20 disadvantaged undergraduate girls from the Women in Management and Development Trust.

"Let me hasten to say programmes that target the girl child help to achieve Millennium Development Goal 3 on gender equality and other factors. This has tended to increase their socio-economic vulnerability thus increasing their chances of exposure to HIV and Aids." She said education was a very powerful empowerment tool that would enable the beneficiaries to participate fully in the development process.

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