Sunday, June 10, 2007

(HERALD) SMEs sector development gets boost

SMEs sector development gets boost
Business Reporter

MACHINERY worth over US$2,5 million has started arriving in the country as part of the US$5 million grant from the Government of India for the development of the Small and Medium Enterprises sector in Zimbabwe.

At least 22 containers carrying 607 machines valued at US$2,8 million have already been shipped from India while five containers with 29 machines, worth over US$1 million have already been delivered to the Harare Institute of Technology.

One more container with 14 machines already in Harare is likely to be delivered to HIT by next week.

This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises Mrs Sithembiso Nyoni and Indian Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Ajit Kumar in June last year for development of the SME sector in Zimbabwe.

The MoU was meant to further strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries and enhance the South-South cooperation. A few more containers are expected to follow while more sophisticated equipment such as computers will soon be sent by air.

The Government of India will also provide 40 computers and related equipment for Small and Medium Enterprises Service Institute and three vehicles will also be provided under the MoU.

In a statement Mr Kumar said the Government of India hopes that with the cooperation of the Zimbabwean Government in making available the facilities required for the successful completion of the Indo-Zim Project on SMEs, it will be possible to implement the project on schedule.

"The Government of India is very keen to start the work of installing the machinery as early as possible so that the Small and Medium Enterprises sector can play its rightful role in employment generation and contribute to the economic turnaround of the country for the benefit of the local people," he said.

Under the MoU, an "Indo-Zimbabwe Technology Centre will be established at HIT which shall also include a Small and Medium Enterprises Service Institute and an ‘India Technology Centre’ will be set up in Bulawayo at the Bulawayo Polytechnic."

The training programme at IZTC would include mould and die making, tool design, computer numerically controlled technology and CAD-CAM. The IZTC would assist Zimbabwe in developing technically qualified entrepreneurs for setting up small and medium enterprises.

The Government of India is providing at its cost, a cooperation package that would involve project planning, project coordination, supply, installation and commissioning of machining and equipment. The project will also infuse new technology such as CNC machining technology in the areas of manufacturing and machining.

An independent website will also be set up under the agreement and the website will carry information about the SME sector in Zimbabwe, Government policies and a detailed list of SMEs. The website will also interlink all the important trade bodies in Zimbabwe, such as Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries, Zimbabwe Investment Centre, Chamber of Commerce and the Small Enterprises Development Cooperation among others.

The website will benefit SMEs by enlisting them in various Government Departments and providing opportunities for procurement by Government agencies without middlemen. It will also facilitate contact with customers and organisations all over the world, especially in neighbouring countries for increasing business and trade opportunities.

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