
Sunday, June 24, 2007

LETTERS - Regional Markets, The Constituent Assembly

European markets
By Mthoniswa Banda
Sunday June 24, 2007 [04:00]

I would like to agree with Edith Nawakwi that Africans should not be crying to get into European markets but instead should look into their own African markets.

I have always found it very demeaning for African presidents including our very own Mwanawasa to go begging every year to the G8 and other countries instead of learning from the success of these countries and implementing the same strategy back home. I have also found it strange that the high number of educated africans, many of whom have been trained in the best of the world's universities, still lags behind.

I also find it strange that when the developed world protects its core industries and its farmers, Zambians are busy opening up their country and industries for every thief to come and steal. Are we not that clever to see that China, despite not opening its coutry to the outside world and trading within its large population is now the envy of the world?
Zambians should start believing in their own dreams and brains and find their own home-grown solutions. We need to get "back to the land" and "start developing from our own resources" as KK used to advise.

Asking Europe to open its market for Africans and asking them to sacrifice their own farmers so that the Zambian farmer can sell his cheap mealies in the European markets is displaying naivette of the highest order! It will never happen, unless of course Africa becomes an economic superpower. But can it, when it only contributes less that 10 per cent of the global economic activity? Wishful thinking indeed!

Constituent assembly
By Jenkins Chisoni, Glasgow
Sunday June 24, 2007 [04:00]

I am sure that our founding father KK can help the country more by seeking audience with the incumbent President on a one-to-one basis than simply casting his protest vote like the rest of us ordinary citizens on the issue of a referendum for a constituent assembly.

The press is not the right channel for KK to talk to Levy on such a serious matter.
KK has a special position in relation to state matters and hence the enjoyment of government facilities.

He should work tirelessly behind curtains to convince the Head of State. We do not have to know the bruises he would suffer in the process of trying to advise Levy for God would reward him (KK) for trying.

Time to fight battles through the press is long gone for the old man. He should concentrate on advising the presidents and pointing out things he would do differently today where he recognises he made mistakes himself.

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