
Saturday, June 30, 2007


PF's stance on Chiluba
By Patriotic Citizen, Lusaka.
Saturday June 30, 2007 [04:00]

The stance taken by the Patriotic Front to defend Chiluba's Corruption is sad to say the least. The attacks by the PF members of parliament on The Post and President Mwanawasa are not only disgraceful but also cast a shadow of doubt on PF's willingness and desire to fight this cancer. The question is how then can we safely equip this party with the powerful apparatus of power and expect them to act right?

Fellow Zambians, let's be alert and guard against the 'Chiluba' in PF. Remember that Chiluba himself has told us that Sata does not mean what he says when he appears to attack anything corrupt and some other issues.

This is very true because Sata's position on Chiluba's corruption has been very confusing. He condemns it when it is politically convenient and endorses it the next day, NO clear principles.

But this is not very surprising to those who have been following Sata's speeches. In his campaign for the Republican presidency last year, he made it very clear that he would stop and shield the prosecution of the alleged plunderers, which to him was persecution.

Thank God he did not win because in a week, Zambia would have been ten years backwards. All those with eyes should open them and see the dangers of bringing back Chiluba on the political scene through Sata and his PF. Never again shall this country be plundered!

Electoral malpractices
By Concerned citizen
Saturday June 30, 2007 [04:00]

Voting in national and local government elections and referendum is both a duty and a right for each and every Zambian citizen, and which should never be dubiously influenced by those who seek to be voted to public office.

The incidence of electoral malpractices (which recently led to the nullification of election results for Kapoche, Nalolo and Sinjembela constituencies) is, therefore, worrisome.

Apart from denying voters the opportunity to cast their votes on the basis of a candidate's competence and credibility, electoral malpractices can result in costly by-elections if they lead to a nullification of election results by a court of law.

There is, therefore, a need for legislators to seriously consider the prospect of introducing stringent sanctions, in the new Republican constitution, against political parties and their candidates that engage in electoral fraud resulting in nullification of election results.

Specifically, there is a need to expand Article 169 of the draft constitution prepared by the Willa Mung'omba Constitution Review Commission by adding a clause or paragraph that would ban any member of parliament who would cause a vacancy due to a nullification of his or her election following an election petition from contesting any election for the duration of the term he or she would have served in Parliament.

And if a member of Parliament who is found to have engaged in electoral malpractices belongs to a political party, the party should also be banned from fielding a candidate in the constituency involved for the term its member would have served.

We need to institute stringent sanctions against those who flout their fellow citizens' right to choose leaders in an atmosphere that is characterised by free and fair elections. It is high time we sent a strong message to those who seek to be elected to public offices that intimidation, election-rigging, vote-buying, character assassination, and other forms of electoral malpractice will not be tolerated in our electoral system.

Inter-party dialogue
By Bright Mbale, UNZA
Saturday June 30, 2007 [04:00]

The inter-party dialogue is a representative of all the people in the nation with different political affiliations.

Knowing that one’s political leader is among the group discussing the issues of the Constitution brings confidence in oneself that the dialogue will be fruitful in bringing a new constitution for the people.

However, with the current procession, venom poison can be smelt from the tunnel. Katele Kalumba can’t chair such a delicate group with different political parties.

Katele Kalumba’s competence is questionable if we reflect on his actions in this nation. His interest in this matter cannot be guaranteed.
This is a national matter and needs a person with a sober character and one with the ability to bring dialogue from different political parties who have different beliefs and goals.

As suggested by the PF leader in The Post, we can have a neutral person from the Church to chair the inter-party dialogue.

With the person from the Church, every Zambian will be confident and rest assured that their views on the national Constitution will not be treated with other interests like favouritism or superiority which might defeat the very purpose of this ZCID.

The pulling out of the PF from this ZCID has already stirred some confusion in the whole country.

Political parties should quickly look into the matter before the very efforts of what they are trying to bring forth result in a disaster.

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