
Monday, June 04, 2007

Levy tells Oasis Forum to prepare for census

Levy tells Oasis Forum to prepare for census
By Noel Sichalwe
Monday June 04, 2007 [00:00]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa has said a census will start shortly in preparation for a referendum on the constituent assembly. In a letter dated June 1, 2007 President Mwanawasa told Oasis Forum spokesperson Musa Mwenye to brief his organisation to be ready to provide their particulars and sensitise people about the process.

"Kindly brief your organisation that a census will shortly start and I urge you all to provide your particulars and those of your families and to campaign among our people so that they could provide theirs," President Mwanawasa said.

He also said the MMD had earlier agreed to the idea of adopting a new constitution through a constituent assembly because of the fear of violence and tension that was created over the constituent assembly.

“Because of the threat of violence and tension which was created over the constituent assembly, the Movement for Multiparty Democracy through its National Executive Committee and its Parliamentary Liaison Committee agreed that government would facilitate legislative enactment through a constituent assembly and would use its best endeavours to source funds which would make it possible for the people to decide this issue in a referendum whether they wanted to amend the constitution through a constituent assembly,” President Mwanawasa said.

“The National Executive Committee voted 41 in support and nine against and the Parliamentary Liaison Committee voted 81, 5 against and two spoilt papers.”

President Mwanawasa said on February 2, 2006 he stated on a radio and television broadcast that the government was not necessarily agreeing with all the recommendations of the CRC but accepted that the constituent assembly should be provided for in the current constitution.

“All being equal I would have supported a constituent assembly but unfortunately the proponents of it see it as a tool of unpopularising the governing party so that it can easily be voted out of office for failing to offer satisfactory service delivery. Unfortunately too, we are impeded with hurdles that hinge on legal technicalities and lack of financial resources.”

President Mwanawasa last Thursday phoned Mwenye around 12:00 hours and started interrogating him on the statements he had been issuing in the media saying that the Oasis Forum would continue fighting for the will and aspirations of the people until a new constitution was enacted. On Saturday, President Mwanawasa denounced Mwenye for disclosing their private conversation to the press.

He accused Mwenye of behaving like a lying witness in court. Mwenye challenged President Mwanawasa to publish transcripts of the discussion in order for Zambians to know the truth. Several people from various organisations have condemned President Mwanawasa’s intimidating behaviour over the constitution.

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