
Monday, June 25, 2007

Maureen appeals to vendors:

Maureen appeals to vendors:
By Chibaula Silwamba
Monday June 25, 2007 [04:00]

FIRST lady Maureen Mwanawasa on Saturday appealed to street vendors to move into the markets that were safe and environmentally friendly. And President Mwanawasa's daughter Chipo urged youths to start garbage recycling projects to keep Zambia clean. Launching the ‘Keep Zambia Clean’ campaign at Soweto market in Lusaka, Maureen said street vending caused more than two deaths or injuries from road traffic accidents daily.

"I am saddened to learn that innocent lives have been lost because the roads around Soweto are now accommodating the vendors who moved from the city centre. Road traffic accidents are recorded on a daily basis with more than two people being injured or killed daily as a result of traders displaying their merchandise too close to the road," Maureen said. "In the middle of all this, I am informed that there is a lot of room in the Esaq Yard and other markets in the compounds that are currently empty. (Local government) minister perhaps you could convince the people to move to these much better premises."

Maureen also said it was important to start cleaning markets, which were the source of food and workplace of many Zambians.
"Our livelihoods are dependent on the supply of safe and clean food being sold in all food outlets," she said. "I therefore wish to appeal to all traders and customers, to not only clean the market today but to maintain the cleanliness throughout the year. We should also extend this cleanliness to our homes."

Maureen said a clean environment was cardinal for people’s health and it would reduce illnesses and thereby reduce the health budget.
"If we can avoid illnesses such as diarrhoea and cholera in our homes, the money that we save on drugs and other medical expenses can be used for other more meaningful needs, such as school and nutrition," Maureen said.

She also appealed to the private sector and the civil society to partner with government in improving market infrastructure.
And Chipo, who accompanied her mother, urged youths to contribute to making Zambia clean.

"We should not leave the ‘Keep Zambia Clean’ campaign to government alone. I'm asking my fellow youths to help in making Zambia clean. We should start projects of recycling the waste," Chipo said.

She said youths should help in the development of Zambia.
Chipo advised youths not to wait for elders or foreigners to develop Zambia.

Lusaka mayor Steve Chilatu said it was shameful that Lusaka was still experiencing outbreaks of water and airborne diseases.

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