
Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sichone pleads not guilty

Sichone pleads not guilty
By Laura Mushaukwa
Saturday June 02, 2007 [04:00]

SUSPENDED lands commissioner Frightone Sichone yesterday pleaded not guilty to four counts of abuse of authority of office before magistrate Aridah Chulu. This is a matter where Sichone is charged with abuse of authority of office contrary to section 37 (2) (a) and 41 of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act number 42 of 1996.

Particulars of the offence were that Sichone on January 20, 2006 at Lusaka being a person employed in the public service namely Ministry of Lands as commissioner of lands did abuse his authority of office by allocating property number LUS/35178 Mass Media on title number 75822 to Musenge Mwewa without following procedure thereby directly or indirectly obtaining property or advantage.

On the second count, Sichone on the same day allegedly allocated property number LUS/35185 Mass Media on title number 45036 to Mesinala Namukoko without following procedure.

On the third count, he allegedly allocated property number LUS/35210 Mass Media on title number 49502 dated April 6, 2006 to Mizumbi Farms Limited a company in which he is co-director and majority shareholder without following procedure.

Sichone on the last count allegedly allocated property number LUS/35211 Mass media on title number 50036 dated April 21, 2006 to Mizumbi Farms Limited in which he is co-director and majority shareholder without following procedure thereby directly or indirectly obtaining property or advantage. The matter comes up on June 25,27 and 29 for trial.

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