
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

West should forget about illegal regime change: Ndlovu

West should forget about illegal regime change: Ndlovu
Herald Reporter

Western countries should forget about illegal regime change in Zimbabwe as the country has a solid basis based on the liberation struggle and the demise of the colonial regime, the Minister of Information and Publicity, Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, said yesterday.

Dr Ndlovu made the remarks in his keynote address during the commemoration of the death of the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s revolution, Imam Khomeini, in Harare. The minister said Zimbabwe, like Iran, went through a taxing revolution which brought about a nation of determined people and leaders.

"We are stronger because we were born out of a revolution. Zimbabwe did not come on a silver platter and that is where Western countries are lost. Puppets have no basis as their hope lies in the oppressor. All stooges have ended miserably and I do not know why they do not learn. Western leaders will never support a strong leader who stands for the people. Iran is a very strong nation," Dr Ndlovu said.

He said Zimbabwe and Iran were being persecuted for their strong stance against imperialist forces and urged the people of the two countries to remain resolute.

"If you do not fight for your land, that is the greatest sin you can make. The late Imam is among the greatest," Dr Ndlovu said.

Speeches and works of the late Imam inspired liberation war fighters and the late Vice President, Dr Simon Muzenda, led a delegation of liberation fighters to Iran for assistance. Dr Ndlovu said up to now the works of the late Imam continue to motivate Zimbabweans in the wake of aggression by the West.

"Today, as Zimbabwe continues to prosecute its struggle against imperialism and Western hegemony, at this third stage of our struggle, I wish to point out that as a nation we continue to be inspired by the commitment of Imam Ayatollah Khomeini to the struggle for national sovereignty.

"As he stood for the total emancipation of the ordinary people, so we are standing against the resurgence of imperialist interests and dominance in this country and region," Dr Ndlovu said.

Because of that shared experience and history, Dr Ndlovu said Iran and Zimbabwe enjoyed cordial relations.

He said Iran had assisted Zimbabwe in various fields ranging from agriculture to broadcasting and called for more collaboration between the two states.

The minister also took a swipe at the outgoing British Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair, whom he said appeared on television yesterday lecturing to Moslems.

He said Mr Blair had no moral authority to lecture to Moslems since his country was leading the persecution of Arabs. Speaking at the same occasion, Iran’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Rasoul Momeni hailed the cordial relations between the two countries.

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