
Friday, July 06, 2007

Attacking the Church

Attacking the Church
By Rev. Thomas K. Lumba,Ndola
Friday July 06, 2007 [04:00]

It makes sad reading to hear Pastor Nevers Mumba attacking the evangelical churches in Zambia for not being interested in the constitution-making process as reported in The Post of July 4.

First thing first: Attacking your own house, the Church in public is not the best way a mature leader should approach such emotional issues. It will only divide the unity of the body of Christ; he is criticising the churches on the pulpit. Lesson number two: Preaching to a congregation, of which my brother Nevers is so privileged, is not like debating a motion in Parliament, where his opposites may answer him back. A preacher on the pulpit can say things, no matter how untruthful, to the other side and the audience may not respond right there.

Having said that, I should point out in this column of The Post, that brother Nevers was not telling the truth. The Church in Zambia, especially the evangelical body, is very much active in the constitution-making process. As a disciplined church through their mother body, the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia, this church fully participates through the Oasis Forum. When we formed the Oasis Forum during the Chiluba third term bid, the whole purpose was for the voice of the Church to be prominent in the affairs of the constitution in this country.

That time brother Nevers was nowhere near the Oasis Forum. When Christians were voicing out for a better constitution, our Dr Mumba was enjoying the comforts of the MMD government as the number two man. If today our brother were still in the MMD government, he would not be preaching the same messages. The Oasis Forum, which has more members from the three church mother bodies, is a strong, respectful, resilient voice on the making and preserving the constitution, which even the first Republican president is giving credit to.

Because of its resolute stand, the Oasis Forum is attracting even unreliable politicians like the president of an opposition party who wants to work with it.
If Pastor Mumba wants to see every evangelical church small or big across Zambia standing to speak on the Constitution, then he is missing the whole point as that will only create confusion and more division. Besides, not all individual Christians have the privilege of being quoted in the national media for them to be heard, a privilege brother Mumba enjoys so much.

Therefore let him be told that such criticisms coming from a fellow brother will only frustrate those evangelicals who have been on the battlefield to preserve and fight for a better constitution. It is not fair! Finally, a word of advice, knowing the ambitions of our brother, he should be reminded that one day he will need the support of the very church body he is preaching against.

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