
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Government alone can’t fully provide infrastructure development - Sim

Government alone can’t fully provide infrastructure development - Sim
By Inonge Noyoo
Sunday July 29, 2007 [04:00]

WORKS and Supply minister Kapembwa Simbao has said government on its own cannot fully provide infrastructure development. Speaking at a Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) awareness-raising seminar for members of parliament at Holiday Inn Hotel yesterday, Simbao said infrastructure development was one of the costly and complex aspects in any development venture.

He said it was for that reason that government had embarked on a strategic alliance with the private sector so that it could complement the public sector’s efforts in implementing development programmes.
He said the absence of a policy and legal framework for PPPs in Zambia had cost the nation prospects for private sector participation in those projects.
Simbao, however, noted that an opportunity was still available for the public and private sectors to ensure that the framework was in place for effective implementation of PPPs projects.

He disclosed that a draft PPP policy was currently under consideration by cabinet and hoped that a legal framework would be in place before the end of the year.
He hoped that members of parliament, as legislators, would be engaged in the process of developing an effective framework for the implementation of PPPs in Zambia.

“Government is committed to ensuring that the appropriate climate for growth is achieved. To that end, it is the intention of government to fully explore avenues through which development could be attained through PPPs,” he said.
Simbao challenged the members of parliament to champion the cause and determine how PPPs could work for Zambia.

He challenged them to find out how the private sector could be harnessed to support development of infrastructure and how appropriate legislation could be adopted.

Simbao challenged the members of parliament to determine how government could facilitate the establishment of a framework that could be used to achieve the desired economic development.

“The development of this nation transcends the confines of race, ethnic background, religious affiliation or political inclination. Rather, it depends on how concerted our efforts are in creating a foundation for the prosperity of future generations,” said Simbao.

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