
Monday, July 09, 2007

(HERALD) Dell is indeed headed for hell

Dell is indeed headed for hell

EDITOR — When President Mugabe told outgoing US mercenary Ambassador, Christopher Dell to go to hell, some probably did not realise that the President had prophesied. Dell is indeed headed for hell! How else could one describe the situation in Kabul, Afghanistan? Let’s wait and see how "Mr Fix it" fixes the chaos in that war-ravaged country.

I have a warning for the foul-mouthed rabble-rouser, trespass into Kabul’s security zones like you did here and the Kabul Army will slide on your bald head, travel to Afghanistan’s second largest city unaccompanied like you do here and the Taliban will mutilate you. Zimbabwe might have what you call the highest rate of inflation in the world but it has one of the most hospitable environments in the world, which you, "Mr Fix it" is going to terribly miss.

That your boss decided to transfer you to the hell he created in Afghanistan indicates that you are no longer of any use to him. By the way, how did you justify your posting to Kabul? Did you say "if confirmed as US Ambassador to Afghanistan, I would continue the efforts of our government to destroy the Taliban and their opium fields?"

Finally, Mr Fix it, please do not forget to carry with you a mask to cover your nose and mouth, Kabul sometimes experiences unbearably dusty winds. Go well, Mr "Ambassador" and remember you are welcome in our beautiful country, since you are now our in-law having finally found a wife among our beautiful people.

Changu Chandagwinyira

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