
Friday, July 20, 2007

(HERALD) Pius Ncube adultery saga not political

Pius Ncube adultery saga not political

EDITOR — It is unfortunate that the Pius Ncube adultery saga is being viewed by some from a political angle when it is a social, religious doctrine case. Why should Pius, who publicly confirmed on national TV to the adultery, be considered a victim? The truth of the matter is that this case has nothing to do with him being a critic of the Government of Zimbabwe. Does that give him, if he did what he is accused of having done, the privilege to go around sleeping with women when the religious doctrine he swore to does not allow him to do so?

I do not think it is morally right to confuse issues, or is it being done to portray him as some kind of a saint when he publicly confessed to the adultery. It is unfortunate that some are choosing to see the other side and yet the man is sweating because he knows the evils he committed.

Of course, prior to the serving of summons, President Mugabe might have said that Catholic clergy swear to celibacy but later on engage in sexual activities, this is so because he is a practising Catholic and may have knowledge of what goes on within the church circles.

While one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, but what happens when one concedes the allegations, do we say he is innocent? If it were a criminal offence, would the judge enter a not guilty or guilty verdict?

Pius must face the music.

He should pay for all the lies he has peddled to the outside world, justice will prevail in the end and those who are lying about Zimbabwe would one day be judged.

It will not happen today, tomorrow, next year or in five years time, but we will all be judged for our deeds.

So in all what we do let fair play prevail, let us not be swayed by the crowd, be it our employers, buddies, and so on.

I know for one that lying is a sin, and for those of us who believe that judgment day will come, let’s tread carefully because we do not know when that day will be upon us.

Pius’ case has nothing to do with President Mugabe.

He did what he did by himself, so let him answer what he is being alleged to have done by himself.

"If a man is naked, please let us not tell him he is wearing a three-piece suit".

The only thing we can do is pray for Pius so that he can be forgiven for his transgressions, and given the strength to resist temptation.

Surfing Café.


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