
Monday, July 16, 2007

(HERALD) President urges unity of purpose in business

President urges unity of purpose in business
By Augustine Hwata

GOVERNMENT is willing to work with well-intentioned private businesses in reviving the economy but unity of purpose is required for such a relationship, President Mugabe said yesterday. "I wish to reaffirm my Government’s commitment to fostering close and fruitful co-operation with well-meaning partners from the private sector.

"While there are challenges that are weighing down efforts to revive the economy, such challenges should raise, in both the Government and private sector, the determination to overcome them for the country’s progress," he said.

Cde Mugabe made the remarks as he presented prizes to the outstanding shootists drawn from the Zimbabwe Prison Service, Zimbabwe Republic Police, Air Force of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe National Army and civilian clubs at the end of the 2007 President’s Medal Shoot at Cleveland Shooting Range.

He said the shooting competition exhibited the spirit of unity as corporate organisations — Natec Arms Zimbabwe, Make Sure Health, David Whitehead, Amtec, Delta and the Forestry Company — chipped in to sponsor the defence forces’ activity.

"In this regard, the spirit of unity of purpose so eloquently espoused by the President’s Medal Shoot Competition should spur our nation towards common solutions to problems nagging our economy," he said.

Cde Mugabe said some companies were working against the Government’s economic recovery programmes by their unethical business practices.

"The cocktail of such business malpractices, as unwarranted profiteering which is compounded by the unjustified declared and undeclared sanctions on our country, has undoubtedly played a role in fuelling the current inflationary environment we are experiencing.

"The sanctions against our nation show desperate actions of the agents of regime change who seek not only to undermine the credibility of our Government, but also to reverse the gains and values of our Independence and sovereignty.

"In view of these challenges which, over the years, have been worsened by recurring droughts, Zimbabweans, therefore, need to work as a family," he said.

President Mugabe said the Government would continue to carry out with determination programmes set to benefit the economic well-being of Zimbabweans despite efforts from detractors of such initiatives.

"My Government continues to be seized with programmes designed to fulfil the wishes and aspirations of our people.

"Thus, we endeavour to pursue the interests of our citizens with ever renewed vigour, regardless of the spirited efforts by

our detractors to frustrate initiatives designed to improve the general economic well-being of our people," he said.

"It is, however, encouraging that despite the negative publicity against our Government at home and abroad, our people continue to defy the arm-twisting tactics of our detractors," Cde Mugabe added.

The President praised the security forces for their unwavering support to Government’s various initiatives, especially regarding price controls and fostering stability and peace.

"To this end, the role played by the security forces in containing the machinations of our detractors and their local puppets and thus ensuring the peaceful and tranquil environment obtaining in our country today, is praiseworthy and, indeed, it is also an invaluable aid to the creation of the necessary economic conditions for the development of the country and our people.

"I wish to commend our security forces for the assistance they have given to various Government programmes, with the latest being the price stabilisation exercise.

"Their display and support of loyalty deserves recognition by the Government," Cde Mugabe said.

He said the nation was proud of having a highly skilled defence force which had been called for international peacekeeping duties.

"In recent years, Zimbabwe’s uniformed forces have exhibited sterling work in various peacekeeping missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor, Kosovo, Sierra Lione, Liberia and the Sudan, among others.

"It is our desire to institute a unified force composed of the best cadres who will defend the interests of the nation."

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