
Monday, July 30, 2007

(HERALD) Tsvangirai: Dangerous, misguided man

Tsvangirai: Dangerous, misguided man

TSVANGIRAI believes Africans should never mechanise and should continue to till the land with donkeys and pull old worn-out hand ploughs. This same thinking permeates his bunch of followers, including some greedy MPs who will gleefully accept luxury vehicles from Parliament at subsided prices, but reject tractors. To them it is more patriotic to drive around in a cheap Pajero from Parliament, on cheap fuel than to accept a tractor to produce food for the nation, writes HARDLIFE MAPURANGA of Harare.

IT is now clear to every reasonable Zimbabwean that MDC faction leader Morgan Tsvangirai stands out as an enemy of the people.

The Western media blitz that attempts to portray him as a defender of people’s rights has failed to cleanse him; it has instead exposed him for what he is, a greedy insensitive puppet of the West.

Tsvangirai’s recent statements against the ongoing price freeze shows to what lengths he is willing to go to satisfy the wishes of his Western backers.

His "failure" to realise that the average Zimbabwean is pleased with the Government intervention to protect innocent people from the rampant and immoral conduct by some businesspeople shows that Tsvangirai does not have the people at heart.

Any half-baked fool would have told Tsvangirai that business had gone haywire and was feeding off the misery of the people.

Day in day out, super profits were being declared yet ordinary people sank deeper into crunching poverty — poverty caused directly by Tsvangirai’s call for sanctions against the people.

If Tsvangirai believes in the mantra he has espoused so loudly from his Western backers that there are only targeted sanctions he is not only a common hoodlum but also a highly dangerous man. It appears Tsvangirai can do just about anything to justify the filthy lucre he gets from the West, I would not be surprised to hear he has sold even his wife for greenbacks.

Tsvangirai should realise that the net effect of the illegal Western sanctions he campaigned for is the misery that prompted the Government to move it to protect consumers.

That Tsvangirai, is what sanctions mean.

That Tsvangirai, is what you willed on the people of Zimbabwe.

To then add insult to injury by ranting and raving that prices should not have been slashed is most unfortunate, in fact in the countdown to crucial elections, it was highly suicidal.

What Tsvangirai should realise is that the interests of Zimbabwe come first before those of his sponsors. Zimbabweans, who have never forgiven Tsvangirai for his stance on land, which he wants to return to white former commercial farmers, will no doubt look at his latest utterances in the same light.

To say Tsvangirai and his group are selfish is an understatement, for surely how could any decent Zimbabwean refuse to take up an offer for a tractor?

A tractor meant to till the land and produce for Zimbabweans.

If the likes of Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe did not personally want the tractors and had the interests of the people, they should at least have thought of the people in their home areas who could have welcomed assistance with tillage.

But no, Tsvangirai believes Africans should never mechanise and should continue to till the land with donkeys and pull old worn-out hand ploughs.

This same thinking permeates his bunch of followers, including some greedy MPs who will gleefully accept luxury vehicles from Parliament at subsidised prices, but reject tractors.

To them it is more patriotic to drive around in a cheap Pajero from Parliament and on cheap fuel than to accept a tractor to produce food for the nation!

Thank God, there are still a few reasonable people like Tapiwa Mashakada, Editor Matamisa, Giles Mutsekwa, Joel Gabbuza and Blessing Chebundo among the MDC’s merry band of sell-outs, who reasonably accepted the tractors.

The rest deserve to be kicked out of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabweans will never be fooled; they realise the danger Tsvangirai poses to their posterity and survival.

They will reject him with the contempt he deserves come March 2008 and confirm their belief in the leadership of President Robert Mugabe, a true son of the soil and liberator of the people of Zimbabwe, an icon for the entire developing world.

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