
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

(HERALD) Zanu-PF mayors endorse President

Zanu-PF mayors endorse President
Herald Reporters

Zanu-PF mayors and council chairpersons have joined the growing list of party structures supporting President Mugabe as their candidate in next year’s presidential election which will be held jointly with parliamentary polls.

In a statement released at the weekend, the chairperson of the caucus of Zanu-PF mayors and council chairpersons, Cde Martin Dinha, who is the Bindura mayor, said they were in total support of President Mugabe as the ruling party’s candidate.

"Cognisant of our President’s principled stand against imperialist machinations, his exemplary leadership and his embodiment of our unity and aspirations and our benefits as local authorities in the land reform programme, we demand and assert that our President, Cde R. G. Mugabe, stand as our candidate in the forthcoming harmonised general elections.

"We, thus, endorse his candidature," said Cde Dinha, who is vice president of the Zimbabwe Local Government Association, a grouping of rural and urban councils.

Cde Dinha said council leaders acted as pillars of the party and Government as they came from the grassroots.

"We love our President, our party, our Government and our people and will not let our country down in its hour of need. This is our commitment to our people and our President," he said.

Cde Dinha said the mayors and chairpersons condemned the illegal economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and its Western allies.

The council leaders would continue to work to safeguard Zimbabwe’s interests while supporting Cde Mugabe and Zanu-PF in promoting the gains of the liberation struggle.

On the closing day of the inaugural Zilga biennial conference in Harare last Friday, the mayors, council chairpersons and councillors attending the meeting marched from the venue, the Rainbow Towers Hotel, to the Zanu-PF headquarters in solidarity with Cde Mugabe.

They sang and chanted revolutionary slogans while carrying placards with messages in support of President Mugabe.

Zanu-PF Members of Parliament endorsed Cde Mugabe’s candidature at their recent caucus meeting in Harare.

The party’s Central Committee endorsed Cde Mugabe’s candidature at is meeting on May 30. Zanu-PF National Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Nathan Shamuyarira told journalists that the party had during the same meeting also given its stamp of approval for the harmonisation of the presidential and parliamentary polls.

The Women’s League and Youth Leagues have also expressed total faith in Cde Mugabe as the party candidate for the elections scheduled for March next year.

At a recent Zimbabwe Council of Chiefs seminar, chiefs said they also fully backed President Mugabe’s candidature.

In a related matter, Zanu-PF Politburo member and Minister of State for Policy Implementation Cde Webster Shamu has dismissed claims from some quarters that the party did not endorse President Mugabe’s candidature.

He said support for Cde Mugabe to stand as the Zanu-PF candidate was unequivocal at the Goromonzi Annual People’s Conference last year.

Cde Shamu was speaking at the launch of the inaugural Mashonaland West Small and Medium Enterprise Expo in Chegutu on Friday last week.

He said the claims were lies peddled by forces which wanted to create disharmony within the ruling party and subsequently in Government.

Cde Shamu said the party’s membership had not lost sight of President Mugabe’s vision and leadership.

"These are plain but vain lies because as a party we chose Cde Mugabe to be our candidate at the Goromonzi People’s Conference last year.

"His candidacy was endorsed by everyone and we need a leadership that has vision and foresight — qualities which find expression in the President," said Cde Shamu.

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