
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kaunda questions Levy's proposal on constitution

Kaunda questions Levy's proposal on constitution
By Brighton Phiri
Tuesday July 03, 2007 [04:00]

PRESIDENT Mwanawasa’s proposal for a constitution conference is incomplete without the involvement of Oasis Forum, Dr Kaunda said yesterday. In an interview, Dr Kaunda reminded political party leaders that the Oasis Forum consisted of key organisations in the governance system of the country.

“While we appreciate that President Mwanawasa met his colleagues and proposed the constitutional conference, we must be reminded that Oasis Forum has been an outstanding organisation. We can’t forget that when former president Chiluba attempted to impose his third term, the Oasis Forum helped us,” Dr Kaunda said.

“Oasis Forum has effectively represented Zambians in thought, word and deed. Why don’t we include them in our plans for an all-inclusive constitution? We must include Oasis Forum as they are, and not the way we think they should be. I strongly feel something is missing in President Mwanawasa’s proposal without the Oasis Forum.”

He said it was wrong for politicians to think that they were so popular that they could exclude Oasis Forum on matters of the constitution.

Dr Kaunda wondered why politicians were reluctant to adopt the Willa Mung’omba Constitution Review Commission recommendation on the adoption process of the new constitution.

He advised politicians to adopt the spirit of the founding mothers and fathers that was anchored on unity, love and respect for one another.

“We should always remember the Heroes and Unity days…these sets of days should act as a reminder for our politicians on the importance of unity. Those heroes, who fought for our independence under difficult conditions relied heavily on their determination, courage and commitment to the calls of the people. They succeeded because they were guided by the spirit of unity,” he said.

“Let these words…Heroes and Unity be on our minds and in our hearts. Our current leaders have a lot to learn from our founding mothers and fathers’ ideals.”

During the Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue-organised summit of political leaders on June 23, 2007, politicians agreed with the proposal by President Mwanawasa to have the new constitution adopted by a constitution conference instead of a constituent assembly.

However, there have been numerous concerns that the constitution-making process is being hijacked by politicians because key stakeholders such as civil society are being sidelined in the process which is being spearheaded by political parties.

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