
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Leave us alone, Levy tells West

Leave us alone, Levy tells West
By Namakau Nalumango in Ndola
Sunday July 08, 2007 [04:00]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa has urged European and western countries to stop treating African governments as infants in their dealings with China. And President Mwanawasa yesterday asked former miners who planned to demonstrate against Chambishi Mines’ intention to build a smelter not to go ahead because they were just going to discourage people who wanted to bring investment in the country.

Speaking on arrival at Ndola International Airport, President Mwanawasa wondered why it had become a major concern for the western countries to get concerned when African countries traded with China while it was alright for them to do so.

“I don’t know why it has become a major concern to the western countries. Unfortunately, our friends in the opposition have also jumped on the bandwagon to criticise as if they are prepared to offer better things,” he said.

“For the benefit of the opposition who do not know, Europe has trade with China. As of last year, UK exceeded its quota. So it is alright for them to import from China but wrong for us? Leave us alone. Stop treating us as adult infants. We are capable of looking after ourselves. Government is capable of deciding which things are good for the people.”

President Mwanawasa said he had been to China twice and had seen how advanced and clean that country was compared to other developed countries.

“I have been to the UK, USA, France, Italy and Japan. I can say without any contradiction, their development cannot be compared to these other countries except for Japan. They are not even as clean as China. I always wonder how we can achieve one tenth of what they have developed,” he said.

And President Mwanawasa called on former-miners who planned a demonstration against Chambishi Mines’ intention of building a smelter not to go ahead because they were just going to discourage people who wanted to bring investment in the country.

“I was reading a report about some ex-miners who want to demonstrate, saying they don’t want Chambishi to build a smelter and are requesting that government should give them the land so that they can cultivate maize and groundnuts,” he said.
He wondered how the ex-miners could be saying that growing maize and groundnuts was more important than something that was going to benefit the nation.

He said the ex-miners forgot that the smelter was going to add to the growth of the economy. “Amabala aya mataba ne mbalala balefwaya, (the fields for maize and groundnuts they want), we can give them more land Kumushi (in the village). There is plenty of land there for them to do farming,” President Mwanawasa advised.

On the construction of the ultra modern stadium in Ndola, President Mwanawasa disclosed that a team of Chinese experts would be in the country this month to see the site. He said the construction would provide employment for the people.

“They are not coming here to do politics. We’ll do politics ourselves for us to be happy and be able to facilitate development not how you are going to bring heaven on earth,” he said.

President Mwanawasa also said the Chinese were partnering with Zesco to develop hydro electricity plant in the lower Kafue Gorge. He urged Zambians to appreciate the Chinese investment because it came without any strings attached.

“Offers have been made in the past for us to accept money only if we do something in return. I said no; with the Chinese, I haven’t seen any string attached. If anything, can I be allowed to say what honourable Magande said ‘if those strings are made of nylon, I can’t see them’,” he said

Copperbelt minister Mwansa Mbulakulima disclosed that the government had released money for capital projects in the province.

Copperbelt MMD chairman Terence Findlay said the Chinese investors had resuscitated the economy of the province because they were doing a lot of work in Chambishi.


  1. "They are not even as clean as China"

    I am not sure what he means by that. If he means clean as is in clean roads, China is definitely cannot be compared to many European countries. China is an emerging economy with a lot of poor people.

    If he means "business clean" - as in they do straight deals - well not sure about that again. They are doing very dodgy deals with Sudan and others.

    Certainly also not environmentally clean with 2 power stations being built every week!

  2. I think he means - just don't bother us about corruption. :)

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Don't bite the finger that feeds you, Levy! I am not going to talk about other countries but just a reminder that FRANCE happens to be the largest single (Aid) donor to Zambia and accounts for One third of the total donor aid. Zambia has no colonial past with this country and yet it contributes generously in terms of monetary aid.

    Infact, isn't one of Levy's daughters schooling in France? Why not emulate Kaunda, whose children went to local government schools.... France is a hive to African Presidents who enjoy all its hospitality and good "milile". Some of us are being taxed heavily in order to sustain thieving african government who have no regard for their own impoverished citizens.

    Didn't Former French President Jacques Chirac introduce some sort of tax on Airline Tickets to raise money for the Fight Against Aids in Africa? This money is chanelled towards Aids research institutions as well as subsidizing concoctions destined for Africans suffering form HIV/AIDS ? Levy's own doctors have failed to account for millions of dollars and have in stock, piles of worthless expired drugs or are importing dangerous drugs from dubious sources for a song and pocketing the change.

    Shemuna Levy!

