
Friday, July 20, 2007

LETTERS - GBM, Constitution, Mwanawasa's Successor

GBM and Mulyata
By Davies Mulenga
Thursday July 19, 2007 [04:01]

I would like to register my utmost disappointment at the behaviour of Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Southern Province minister Joseph Mulyata. First, President Mwanawasa is on record as having started the fight against curruption and all forms of evil deeds in this lovely country. It is for this reason that the President appointed a Cabinet of men and women who are of sound morals and deeds to help him fight these vices.

If Mulyata himself, who even sits in Parliament and makes the laws of the land, can be in the forefront breaking the same laws he makes, then what type of leaders do we have in Mwanawasa's government. I would urge the President to institute investigations in the matter and fire Mulyata if he is proved guilty.

This self-proclaimed rich man who even claims can command the Queen cannot at all destroy The Post because we are all behind The Post unless he says he wants to destroy the people of Zambia.
Let us all accept that laws should be followed by all of us.

Mode of adopting new constitution
By N Chisenga, Lusaka
Friday July 20, 2007 [04:00]

I refer to the article published in The Post of July 18, 2007 authored by Simon Kabanda. The topic of discussion was on the mode of adoption of the constitution entitled: “Difference between CC and CA”.

I think Simon’s contribution to the current debate needs commendation in that he has brought to the fore the key issues between the two modes of adoption and what the implications are.

This in my view is the way we need to be approaching debates of any kind. We first need to define/state the problem and give ourselves much background information on the matter before putting across arguments.

Currently, the debate seems to be very much skewed towards our learned colleagues in the legal fraternity for instance the President and the Minister of Justice on the one hand vs the legal minds in the Oasis Forum.

As one can appreciate, once lawyers hijack a platform and they are in disagreement, the matter can only be settled by a competent judge. Lawyers like economists are always in debate and very few agree in their debates.

But this is not a matter for lawyers only but for every Zambian regardless of their profession and that’s why those of us who know need to make public the issues at hand (if possible in local languages) so that every Zambian can participate in the debate!
Whereas it is indeed incumbent upon every Zambian to ensure that they know what the constitution is all about and how it affects them. I think it would go a long way in helping a number of Zambians without access to information, if civil society embarked on a series on sensitisation meetings at the lowest levels to explain the Constitution and why the current one needs changing via-a-vis the mode of adoption.

We need to be alive to the contentious issues first before we spend too much time arguing the mode of adoption. Thus far, one of the most contentious issues is that the Constitution gives too much power to the President.

What does the Constitution say about presidential powers and why does it need changing? Highlight the anomalies or ambiguities in the Constitution first before dwelling so much on the mode of adoption.
We need to understand why we need the current Constitution changed by bringing to light the issues and make them available in the public domain.

Once we are clear on these, it will make debate more meaningful.
Otherwise, we all start politicking and if the debate is not convincing in so far as government is concerned, the President swore to defend the Constitution whether it’s a good one or not.

Levy’s successor
By Brian
Friday July 20, 2007 [04:00] Print Article Email Article
Debate on Mwanawasa’s successor has started already. 2011 Presidential and Parliamentary elections might look too far for most people but 2011 is just around the corner.

As such the right time to find Mwanawasa’s successor is now so that the successor’s candidature is sold countrywide if at all MMD has to bounce back to office.

I’m sure Mwanawasa is having sleepless nights trying to identify whom he could pick from his Cabinet and the MMD at large as his successor to run for 2011 presidency.

But one does not need to go deep searching as to whom he can pick from the MMD itself simply because they all don’t give us hope for a national president beyond 2011. Moreover, they would have overstayed in power to expect anything new from them.

My advice to Mwanawasa and the MMD as a party is that they must cast their net wide enough and look for a 2011 presidential candidate beyond there party boundaries. To do this, MMD and Mwanawasa must look for a candidate of high calibre and good moral standing in society. In view of the foregoing, Hakainde Hichilema would be the most suitable person to take over from Levy and take Zambia forward in national unity and development. Zambians must open up there eyes and see that Hakainde Hichilema has the qualities of a national leader we have been lacking from the day Kenneth Kaunda left State House.
Most of you readers will agree with me that Mwanawasa is surely thinking seriously of his life after 2011. As such, he needs a good successor who will continue with the fight against corruption if at all Zambia has to attain zero tolerance on corruption and other good policies that he has embarked on in the last 6 years.

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